Subject: Self-Love Is In The Air (and inside), Friend ♡

Positive Women Rock Life Strategy. Manage subscription below.
Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Hi Friend,
We're focusing on self-love in June and today is a kick-start into that topic. It's a huge sticking point for women and it can be SOOOO much simpler with the perspective shift I share... keep reading.

I’m often invited to participate in speaker series on a certain topic. I turn down about 3 per month because 
I respect and appreciate your trust in me to bring YOU the best of the best!

Unfamiliar with a speaker series? It's a group of experts who share their experience, expertise and breakthroughs in radio-style interviews. You, as a listener receive a plethora of insights all in one place! 

So when Women’s Freedom Coach & Self-Love Activist, Susan Ball contacted me to speak about being authentic and how that is an act of self-love and helps people reconnect with themselves, others, and get back on purpose,
 I said YES!!!
Ahh! You're missing a great image! Turn 'em on!
In my own life, one of the most dramatic shifts that occurred for me was when I finally decided to be ALL of me! This single act of choosing ME positively impacted everyone else in my life too. It allowed me to step into my power. Doors opened, lights turned on, and my brain felt clear and open without wondering who I needed to be for others to like me. 

Now, my people like me and the ones who don't... well, those aren't my people and that's okay.

Stepping into my power of being truly ME has ROCKED my business and my life’s purpose in the very best way! I am my true self, loving myself and showing who I really am #authenticallyme 

I would love for you to sign up today for >>> Authentically Me! Self-Love UNPLUGGED

This round table of experts is for you if you’ve ever wondered:
  • Who am I?
  • What do I desire?
  • What’s so important about having dreams and a sense of purpose?
  • What are my goals and dreams? What do I want from life?
  • How does my relationship with myself affect my achievement of these goals and desires?
  • What about the other people in my life? How do they factor in to all of this?
  • And much more . . .
And the best part is that it’s no charge! Authentically Me! Self-Love UNPLUGGED

Your dream life awaits, and you deserve it because...


P.S. As a bonus I would like to invite you to our private Facebook Group where you can get up close and personal with the guest speakers and myself. You can ask questions about the interviews, post comments and get coached! Self-Love UNPLUGGED

P.P.S. My interview airs on Tues, June 6th, an historically HUGE day in my life and business since 37 years ago! Join me?
Hey! I'm smiling at you. Turn on your images!

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Ready to dump stuck and stressed for clear and confident? Click "reply."
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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