Subject: SIX doctors, drugs to counteract side effects from other drugs - scary, ineffective, Friend 🤔

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Some things never change no matter what happens in the world, thank goodness! 🙏

Friend, your subconscious mind is still right there to protect you and heal you and get you where you're going.

And when you use it right... things happen FAST. ⚡

This is my friend, Don's story.

The photo below is how I'd always known this wonderful human being to look... and how he looked before our few hours on the phone in Nov. 2018.

Read his story and see his transformational comparison photos at the bottom. 🤗

Heart Problem 6 Doctors Could Not Figure Out - Solved Over The Phone In A Few Hours

Six doctors including emergency room doctors and a cardiologist could not figure out why my heart was fluttering, my blood pressure was so high, and my oxygen level was so low.

EKG's, ultrasound, X-rays, wearing a cumbersome heart monitor, and “testing everything” as they put it, resulted in zero answers and a LOT more fear and anxiety on my part!

They prescribed drugs for symptoms and more drugs to counteract the side-effects.

It was physically uncomfortable, time-consuming, frustrating, confusing, and scary because every prescription was a new experiment… on me.

It was clear the doctors didn’t know the cause of the problem or the solution. 

I felt like I was stuck in a bad dream that could potentially take my life without anyone knowing why.

During all of this, I was booked for an out of state trip to sort through my best friend’s beloved belongings after his recent passing.

It was a heartbreaking situation and neither my heart or mind were feeling up to it.

Sadness and depression were now joined by fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about my own health and future.

When I told Kelly, her eyes lit up with confidence that emotions were the culprit and that she could definitely help. Her success with physical issues was impressive and we began immediately.

Over the phone, we traced fear and anxiety to a recent situation that had triggered very painful memories from my childhood.

They were filled with emotions too big and too deep to comprehend during conscious thought.

While she guided me on a pain-free inner journey, I released things I thought I had let go of decades ago.

They were still haunting me. I was shocked!

I feel more confident and have certainty in a healthy future.

Fear isn’t getting in the way.

Anger from the past isn’t blinding me in my life today like it had been without my knowledge.

I can see. And I feel more.

Life feels good, physically and emotionally!

Feeling strong and balanced while sorting my late friend’s memories and loved belongings surprised me.

Each time we worked together, the better I felt! And it was permanent.

The physical pain in my stomach that had been a constant companion… disappeared.

Follow up doctors’ appointments showed scientific results and I was taken off the medications.

My confidence grew, knowing a simple phone call could find and release the root cause the physical issues I was having as well as several life-long emotional stumbling blocks to weight, success, love, and self-esteem was nothing short of miraculous.

I see and feel tangible results daily yet so much more of my progress is intangible.

I can’t articulate it or put words to it. - Don C., California

Don still looks the same as his 2020 photo today... or better. 😊

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You Rock! 💖


P.S. You deserve to be in the driver's seat of your life, no matter what has happened in the past. 😊

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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