Subject: Relationship self-sabotage: does it keep your ❤️ safe or broken 💔 Friend? Nancy's story inside

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

We've been talking about how self-sabotage sneaks into all areas of our lives, Friend.

Significant other, friend, family and coworker relationships are easy opportunities to mess things up with self-sabotage! Yikes. 😟

It's easy to sabotage more than one of these relationships at a time too. That's because of what I mentioned in the previous emails...

Your subconscious mind lives to protect you and to prove you right. So, if you have negative self-talk, beliefs, insecurities (who doesn't?), etc., it want's to show you that you are correct. 

Kind of a terrible BFF (best friend forever) unless you really know how to tap into it and turn it toward your best interest rather than just going along with you.

From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Workshop info

Relationship self-sabotage

Choosing bad-boys or unavailable men, wanting things to be perfect, cheating, not doing your own personal growth work to be a good catch for the guy you want, burning bridges before things get serious to avoid being hurt if they fall apart. The "no one will ever love me" belief comes from "I don't love me" junk that's embedded in your subconscious mind and needs to be deleted.

Imagine what it's like to love yourself so much that others genuinely love you too. 😊 And visualize yourself feeling completely deserving of it all!

With your family and friends, feeling unworthy of their love will cause you to block yourself from their help or support, to fight with them or be untrusting or suspicious when they care about you.

At work, feeling undeserving of success, an easy way for your subconscious mind to prove you truly aren't deserving is to pick fights, be difficult to work with, do less than your share of the work, steal from or blame others for your mistakes.

From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Workshop info

NONE of these mean you're a bad person, just that you have some emotional baggage to release so you can feel good about yourself again... or for the first time.

Read Nancy's story below. The VERY SAME DAY we did energy work, two successful men asked her out as she was walking in her town!

Friend, when YOUR energy shifts, EVERYONE feels it. 😉

Choosing Negative Relationship Partners to Attracting Quality Men Instantly

I kept finding myself in marriages and relationships with alcoholic men who had little or no ambition. Being a positive, successful woman myself, I couldn’t understand why this kept happening. Kelly took me through a visualization where we identified the cause of my 32 years of relationship challenges in about 20 minutes. Just hours after learning from identifying the cause and releasing it, I began to attract a completely different quality of men. - Nancy S., North Carolina

From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Workshop info

Remember, no matter what you do or say, your subconscious mind runs 95-99% of your life BY DEFAULT and you only have control over the other 1-5%. That's barely any control at all unless you learn how to tap into it to be your BFF!

I'll send you email tomorrow and address relationship self-sabotage.


I'm walking you through these and more in my 1-hour workshop:

  • The 3 keys to STOP sabotaging yourself and get what you want quicker and easier

  • Visualizations to relax your mind and heal your body to get tuned-in to taking charge

  • An energy reset tool to use during your day to get out of your own way

Option #1: Tuesday May 24 - 6pm Pacific / 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern

Option #2: Thursday May 26 - 9am Pacific / 11am Central / noon Eastern

Early Bird $27 through Mon 8pm Pacific, then $37

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Reasons to attend this workshop: You want things to be perfect before you do them. You put off what is necessary but uncomfortable. You don't feel good enough or capable enough. You worry about what others will think or say. You have more than others so you feel like asking for more is greedy. You get stuck in overthinking. You compare yourself to others. You haven't achieved what you thought you would or could. 😢

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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