Subject: Real-life: 2 months of pain, worry and feeling burdened solved in 29 min last night, Friend 🤗

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

It seems easy to forget what has worked for us in the past. 🤔

I stay very focused and everything I do seems like a fun game of beat-the-clock when I'm using my Pomodoro timer (20 minute work sessions divided by 5 minute breaks).

Whether it's work or something I may not enjoy (like cleaning the sink or tub), 20 minutes is doable and there's an end in sight and a break to enjoy.

Then, all of a sudden... weeks or months later, I wonder why my productivity dropped. Duh... 🙄 stopped using my timer. What the heck? Why? 😑

Well Friend, it can happen with more serious things too! Things that cause us pain or illness. Things that end up costing money like accidents or doctor visits. And even losing things like sleep or relationships.

Why is it so easy to forget what worked in the past? There's a LOT going on around us and unless we remind ourselves, things just slip our minds. 🤔

It happens with my clients too.

Sometimes, like me, they do the "normal" things before remembering what worked before.

Check out client Keli's story below... see how she fell into the rut of "normal" before remembering how simply things are solved in the subconscious mind. ðŸ˜Š

What do YOU need to solve in your life? Let's find out if I can help.

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You Rock! 💖


P.S. My clients often get together with me to solve problems the same day. No need to wait weeks like for doctor's appointment. You deserve fast relief. 😊

P.P.S. For your success, I offer programs rather than single sessions. Programs include 3 to 40 hours together (virtual) depending on what you want solved. Then, you can come back for tune-ups that are just an hour or two like Keli did.

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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