Subject: Quick "squishy" sleep tip I use every night, Friend 😴

I kept waking up and even with 7 hours "sleep" I still wasn't rested so here's what I did... and it's simple.
Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Hi Friend,

Sleep deprivation TRULY affects your entire life and it's ridiculously common these days. 

Although stress plays a big part in your ability to sleep, my small squishy practical tip may help tremendously. 

Because being a member of the sleep deprivation club can kill you... literally. 

Check out this surprising and scary list of negative affects lack of sleep has on you:
  1. Memory issues 
  2. Mood changes 
  3. Trouble with thinking and concentration 
  4. Increased risk of accidents 
  5. Weakened immunity 
  6. High blood pressure
  7. Increased risk for diabetes 
  8. Weight gain 
  9. Risk of heart disease 
  10. Low sex drive 
  11. Poor balance 
YIKES!!! See how your body, health, personality, relationships, job and love life can be compromised by restless sleep?

The little squishy sleep tip that TOTALLY rocked my world:

I used to wake up during the night and couldn't figure out why because I didn't hear anything and I didn't feel stressed.

But then I felt stressed thinking about all the things I had to do the next day and here I was unable to sleep!

Thoughts like these may zoom through your head like they did mine when this would happen...

What if I oversleep? 

What if I don't remember my presentation? 

What if I feel cranky instead of compassionate during that difficult conversation I need to have? 

What if I have a headache all day? 

What if I just don't want to do my day at all?!

It finally occurred to me my sleep was being disturbed by sounds that had stopped by the time I woke up, like a dog bark, door slam down the way, car honk...

So I started sleeping with EARPLUGS. They became my peaceful sleep buddies! ðŸ’–

I use the little squishy round gel ones that stay on the outside of your ear canal and simply cover the opening. 

One pair lasts me about 3 weeks and they are very reasonably priced at under $4 for a pack of 6 pair.

The sound of an alarm can still be heard but the noises that woke me up are gone.

Let me know how this works for you! I'm excited for YOU to sleep better and feel healthier.

Turn on your images! You're missing a pic of my favorite earplugs.
ROCK your sleep and the rest of your week!
P.S. I think if the package read "squishy" they would sell more. Just sounds fun. LOL I had a boyfriend whose family called peas "green bubbles" when he was little. I totally would have eaten peas if my mom called them green bubbles! 💖
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

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