Subject: Protecting yourself from other people's negative energy is vital, Friend ⚡ Here's how...

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Being and staying heathy and creating the life you want requires you staying positive which means protecting yourself from negative energy of other people AND releasing any of your own. 💖

Remember, ALL energy is HIGHLY contagious! ⚡

I'm sharing my favorite energetic protection technique my clients and I use called Bubble Of Love & Protection.

The big picture:

You're going to put yourself in a protective bubble that bounces away negative energy and absorbs positive energy.

Any negative energy YOU bring into your bubble will exit as you exhale.

Why it works:

Your subconscious mind believes everything as if it is the truth (whether you believe it does or not). Negative self-talk, positive self-talk and whatever you visualize with your bubble is believed to be real.

If you're paying attention, that previous sentence just explained a LOT of why your life is exactly the way it is. 🤨

Note: this DOES require you to visualize so if you aren't a visual person, you will need to practice. If you daydream and can see a story as someone explains it, this will be easy.

Here's how to put your bubble on. I'll walk you through it and then you can do it yourself... because unless you're magic, you can't read with your eyes closed. 😄

Step 1: Breathe big, deep, cleansing breaths all the way in and all the way out and close your eyes when you're ready.

Note: The breaths help relax you and if you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, you will also be connecting an important energy pathway in the back of your throat. 😉 AND after this first time, you can but won't need to close your eyes to put your bubble on.

Step 2: In your mind's eye, see yourself inside a big clear Friend-sized bubble. (You can spiff up your bubble later with colors or sparkle. For now, let's keep it clear.)

Step 3:

  • Know that your bubble walls repel negative energy - it just bounces off.

  • Know that your bubble walls allow positive energy in to mix with yours.

Step 4: Put your bubble on every single day for 24/7 protection by saying to yourself, "bubble". (Your subconscious mind will know what to do.)

Double Bubble Option: if you're going to be around a negative person or situation, put on your bubble, then say, "double bubble" so you get a second layer of protection.

You can put on your bubble any time you want. Just say to yourself "bubble". Your subconscious mind knows exactly what to do. 

I had been doing this for 6 or 8 years when I started feeling a physical Whoosh! throughout my entire body accompanied by chills each time my bubble went on. Now, it's extra fun! 😄

My clients and I feel energy clearing immediately with our bubbles and know we need to re-bubble if we start feeling negative energy sometime during the day.

Your bubble may sometimes fall off for no apparent reason LOL so just put it back on with a simple "bubble" command.

There ya go! Let me know if you need bubble help. I'm here for ya. 😃

Hey Friend, do you ever feel a lack of energy as the afternoon rolls around? You feel like a nap or taking off work early or wonder how you'll make it through the rest of the day? 🥱 (How funny! I yawned when I put that emoji there. LOL The power of suggestion!)

There's a great guided visualization audio in my Relax & Empower set that jazzes you up in the afternoon for the rest of your day! 🤗

It's instant energy coaching at your fingertips 24/7, Friend. 🕓

And 5 more audios come with it to take you through your busy day nourishing your mind and body along the way!

Here's a bit more info about Afternoon Energizer and lots more info (plus a sample) when you go to the details page.

Audio #4: Afternoon Energizer

  • Perfect for those after lunch times you feel low on energy and want an energy boost to be productive and feel successfully accomplished.

  • When it seems like the day should be over but you’re only halfway there and want to have that same energy the start of your day had.

  • For a perfect mid-day enthusiasm reboot, check-in and peaceful, powerful break to keep you moving forward with grace and peace of mind.

I’ll show you the small things that add up to create an excellent energy boost!

You Rock, Friend! 💖


P.S. Would you like to walk through a beautiful meadow, sit on a rock at the beach or enjoy the sunset by a lake to relax during your busy day? You'll be doing these and more with these audios!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist and NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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