Subject: Pop the popcorn & write your script, Friend ♡

Positive Women Rock Weekly Life Strategy. Manage subscription below.
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
Turn on your images! You're missing popcorn!
Hey Friend,
Think about your life up to this moment right now. If it were a movie, what would the title be?

Would it be something like, "Friend Rocks Her Life" or "It Wasn't All She Hoped For?"
  • How was the storyline?
  • How about the actors playing their parts?
  • How'd the writers do?
  • Do you like the director, the way your film turned out?
  • Would you re-hire or fire the wardrobe person?
  • What did you like MOST about your story?
  • What part made you laugh?
  • Which parts made you cry?
  • How did this first movie end?

Now, it's time for the sequel! The next phase of your life.

YOU are the writer, director, wardrobe person, producer and STAR.

Write your new script.

What is the title of this sequel? "Friend Rocks Her Life: The Sequel" or "Friend Steps Into Her Power & Takes Charge Of Her Happiness?"

What will add to this new movie of your life?

New friends? More confidence? A new love? A new job or business? Great workout scenes with your fit body rocking your strength? Travel to places of your dreams? A new family member? Marriage? Divorce? A financially free life you've dreamed of? Healthy boundaries and great relationships?

It's all up to YOU. What you put out ALWAYS comes back.

What ignites your passion? What lights your fire? What do you want your life to look like?

The fact is, if you don't like your life. YOU CAN CHANGE IT. In fact you are the ONLY one who can change it. Let me know if you need assistance writing your new script. I'm great at empowering storylines!



Ahh! Turn on your images. You're missing Jody.
"I felt a heaviness in my body and spirit and I wanted a better way to respond to stress. Kelly walked me step-by-step through identifying, understanding and releasing old emotions that kept me stuck. Now I feel lighter mentally and physically and more confident and empowered in my ability to manage stressful situations effectively."Jody Holloway, San Diego, CA
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, my FACE is supposed to be here! :)

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
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