Subject: Overwhelm, uncertainty, stress, fear? How about a sigh of relief instead, Friend? 😊

Positive Women Rock

I touched base with a friend today. I saw she was on Facebook and I've thought of her recently so shot over a message to check in and see how she's doing.

I was excited that her reply shared several successes. 😀 Slimming down, getting back to daily walks and yoga and feeling good! Relationship - good. Job - tough, but choosing to stay one more year before retiring. Health - she has stayed well without catching anything... Such good things happening for her!

I was SO happy for all the good news! 🤗

Then... 4 minutes later, this one-liner comes in...

"Truth be told I am feeling overwhelmed at work and taking care of one of our dogs that has health issues."

Friend, if good things are happening and you still feel overwhelmed, overworked, overbooked, or just "over it"... you're in good company.

Many amazing, talented, positive-minded women are feeling the same.

As my friend said, "The world is so weird right now." To which, I agreed.

It's tricky to stay upbeat and confident with all that's going on around us these days.

But the good news is... it's doable!

It's possible to feel grounded and more solid in your confidence so that you can manage whatever life tosses your way.

Whether life is hurdling an overwhelming situation at you at Super Bowl quarterback speed.

Or it's a slow burn where all of a sudden you're just not yourself anymore...

You notice you don't laugh as much, have as much energy or interest as before... your body looks different than you want, your self-talk isn't so great and your "bounce back" is missing its bounce...

It's scary! And it's depressing. 😔

But getting back on track (or on track for the first time) is a little-known magic trick with BIG results and even bigger surprises.

And You can do it, Friend.

Here's the deal, the key to unlock feeling energized and optimistic, happier in your day-to-day, staying healthier and certainty about your future no matter what comes your way... is just beneath the surface.

Tapping into that inner power of yours and feeling calmer, healthier, more resilient, clearer and more confident is just one workshop away.

One-hour workshop. Wed., Fri or both. $37. See you there...


Kelly ðŸ’–

P.S. Who is another woman who wants to feel happier and more confident NOW rather than putting it off? Both of you grab tickets and I'll give you my never before released Success Maximizer BONUS to boost your results when we get to our success visualizations in the workshop!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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