Subject: Negative people & a personal story, Friend ♡

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Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
Turn on your images! You're missing a good one I made for you.
Hey Friend, 

"Negative people hold you back from becoming the woman you're meant to be."

Do you have negative people in your life?

Chances are that you do. They seem to be everywhere. 

Some people attract more of them than other people do. 

Here's why...

When you have negative thoughts or feelings yourself, you automatically magnetize negative people and situations into your life. 

It's really that simple.

That may be opposite of what you expected me to say (unless you are one of my clients), but the truth is, you need to shift YOUR energy if you want to repel negative people rather than attract them. (Yes, even family. You'd be amazed at how other peoples' energy shifts when you shift your own energy first.)

Here's an example from my own life last weekend.

For the third time recently, I was accused of things I didn't do.

Three different people (one I've never met). Three different areas of my life. Three different topics.

Each time, I felt angry, frustrated, and fearful that these people could even think I would do such things.

The third time, I realized what had happened. I'd brought it on myself, with my energy.

Working with energy and knowing how to adjust mine, I quickly asked for assistance in finding the trapped emotions that caused these accusations. 

If you haven't worked with your immense creative energy, that may sound kind of crazy to you. 

If that's the case, I understand. You don't yet know how powerful of a creator you are even when you're not paying attention to creating. You're on default creative mode and that's when junk gets magnetized.  

The emotions I found in myself were blame, that lead to feeling like a victim, that ultimately (after some deep digging) lead to fear of rejection. I released Fear of Rejection and felt empowered immediately. 

That was Sunday afternoon. I'm writing to you on Tuesday night and I feel completely different now than I did Sunday morning, before the release.

Yesterday (Monday), I managed a difficult and uncomfortable challenge with a noisy neighbor that had me feeling like a victim for months (without me realizing it). His response was gracious and accommodating. 

Had I approached him before releasing the victim, angry energy on Sunday afternoon, I'm sure it would not have gone well. People "get" your negative energy even if you have a smile on your face.

That's how you and I attract negative people and situations.

I'm completely confident that I won't be attracting unfounded blame from other people or feeling victimized for quite a while. If I do again in the future, I'll do another release. 

You may not be ready to own your power and create the life you want just yet, and that's okay. It takes inner strength, humility and vulnerability, and that can seem scary (until you release fear). 

You'll know when you are ready.

Last week, I would have been afraid to write this to you and your sister subscribers for fear of rejection. Today, I'm not because life changes that dramatically when you release what has kept you stuck. 

My clients and I know that there are always energetic tune-ups necessary to stay at the top of our game, and deliberately creating our lives.

So, keep in mind that just like the negative people in your life, you and I have our moments as well. And when we do, we attract more negative people and situations.

The key is to flip into gratitude (for anything and everything) when you feel yourself getting negative. It's the quickest way to raise your energetic vibration and attract positive people and situations.

Stick with it. And stick with me. I appreciate you. 

And when you are ready to release what keeps YOU stuck, apply for a Clarity Call with me (link below) and we'll talk.
Make it a great week, Friend! I believe in YOU.
Uh oh. My face is supposed to be here. Turn on your images so I can smile at you! :)

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
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Ready to tap into your inner power and release what keeps you stuck? Clarity Call
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