Subject: Is "People Clutter" dragging you down, Friend? 😣

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Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Hi Friend,

The clutter that accumulates in your life (life clutter) isn't just junk on the counter or a stack of papers on your desk. It's much more important than that!

Are you surprised I said your clutter is important? Me too! Let's see where this is going...

You know how you get a sudden urge to physically clean something and then your mind feels clearer afterward?

Your mood improves... you feel accomplished... and even lighter...

Chances are, you might even feel inspired to straighten up something else, since you feel so good!

  • Literally, cleaning out your car or going through that pile of paper mail or email inbox Clears Your MIND.

This is because physical clutter is symbolic of emotional clutter.

It's okay, happens to everyone. ;)

But wait! There's MORE...

Whoa! Turn on your images. You're missing everything!
As you know, people have a HUGE impact on your life. 

Sometimes PEOPLE are your Life Clutter. 

Some are supportive, inspiring, and positive. 

You feel empowered just being in their presence. (That's their positive energy.)

Others are needy, may be full of drama, and negative. 

You feel drained even thinking about them. (That's their negative energy.)

If clearing a pile on your desk or donating what you no longer wear makes you feel clear, confident, and empowered, just imagine how powerful clearing out negative PEOPLE from your life feels! 

And the BEST part is, they don't even have to know you did it. 

  • Energetic things happen without people realizing what's going on and that makes it even more fun!

By adjusting your own energy, the "clearing out" of People Clutter can happen automatically without you saying a word. 

They often "self-select" and move on out of your life on their own and here's why... 

When negative people don't get their power-fix from you anymore, they usually move on to someone else pretty quickly.

You may have felt foolish for wasting so much of your time, energy, and heart on someone who didn't value you. 

I believe that time wasn't wasted! You can progress even faster to where you want to be by learning from that experience, even if you don't see the lesson right away.

If you're married to the person who is your Life Clutter, once your energy shifts, so may the relationship. If not, and it needs to end, the confident conversation you have comes from love and compassion and gets the job done.

Even family members can be Life Clutter. Maybe they were there to nurture and support you once upon a time and have since turned into a negative force in your life. (This happened to me. And I started living when I released the person.)

  • Being born into a family doesn't obligate you to be dragged down by them if they become negative and stay that way

Maybe people you work with are your Life Clutter. Ugh. This is unfortunately common. If you choose to stay there even though it weakens you, adjusting YOUR energy changes the dynamic between you and can improved things dramatically!

Also, I'm a HUGE believer of daily energetic protection. This prevents you from being dragged down by negative people and situations. 

Here's the deal, Friend...

You weren't made to be miserable and cater to people who bring you down.

  • You have a gift to share and inspire other people with or you wouldn't be here.

You have tremendous power in your life. That is true.

But you are not powerful enough to be here or not be here without a purpose. 

Your creator is in charge of that. 

If you are here, do your thing.

If you don't know what "your thing" is, I can help you determine that. It's ridiculously fun and empowering to know what "your thing" is.  

YOU deserve to LOVE your life!
You ROCK, Friend!

P.S. I have a 6 month program called From Life Clutter To Life ClarityIt is like an Inner Power Breakthrough stretched out over time with the energy work at the end. (The investment is stretched out over time as well!)

P.P.S. Did a Positive Woman share this with you? Thank her! ♥ Sign up HERE to receive your own free Life Strategies.
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 33 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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