Subject: I went to wish him happy birthday but I found this, Friend...

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Hi Friend, 

I went to wish someone Happy Birthday on Facebook today. 

He'd had cancer a couple times since 2015 and would probably tell you there were many times he didn't think he'd be around for this birthday.

He'd asked for prayers and support for years and I was one of dozens always happy to provide both.

Today I scrolled through his posts to look for the handy birthday greeting area and all I saw were his political hatred and toxic news posts! 

All of them AFTER a post 5 days ago about finally being cancer-free. 

There are 4 things happening here: 

1. NO one can be happy focusing on toxic and negative junk no matter how many people wish them a happy birthday.

2. Cancer is caused by anger (suppressed and expressed). And most of the anger was passed down through ancestors and lifetimes that has snowballed over time. Meaning most of the anger doesn't even belong to the one who gets cancer!

3. The term "cancer-free" includes the very thing you want to be free OF which puts the energy ON the thing you want to avoid. This is creating more of what you don't want. Just like A.A. has you state that you ARE an alcoholic when you are there to STOP being one. 

4. When you pollute, you dilute. This means when you share negativity, in addition to polluting other people's lives with it, you dilute your ability to fight off things you don't want. Your immunity is shot. That's how energy works.

YOU are responsible for what you focus your energy on. And that focus determines EVERYTHING you get in return - including health and happiness or a lack thereof.

When you learn how to connect, direct, and protect your energy, you have the world at your fingertips!

That's what we do here at Positive Women Rock. 💖

Today was a magical day as I've been inundated with client success stories arriving via text, Facebook, and email.  

One about deep energy work that took a few minutes and completely changed a family.

One about how a 5-minute audio I recorded for my Powerful Completions 2019 clients shifted a career, provided a tremendous opportunity and shut down a workplace bully.

Others (including one of mine!) about healing bodies and relationships. 

Friend, although you never needed permission, YOU HAVE PERMISSION to say NO to what doesn't empower you so you can feel strong and healthy. 

Strong and healthy is who you are at your core when all the glop on top is wiped away.

And the best way to start removing glop is to notice how you FEEL when you watch, read, or listen to someone or something.

If you feel good, keep it.
If you feel down, uncomfortable or bad, dump it. 

It truly is a choice. Not always comfortable but always worth it!
You Totally ROCK! 💖
P.S. This is the article I wrote in April 2015 for the person I told you about. It didn't even get a thumbs up from him but has helped many other people POSITIVELY support their loved ones toward healing. Celebrate a better way! 5 Powerful And Positive Ways To Support A Friend Through An Illness 
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 35 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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