Subject: I really hated learning this, Friend... and now it's magic 💚

Positive Women Rock Life Strategy. Manage subscription below.
Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Uh oh! Turn your images on. You're missing some colorful stuff!
Hi Friend, 💚

Have you ever done everything right and still not gotten what you want? Or maybe know what to do but just don't feel inspired to do it?

I hear you loud and clear! 

I see your struggle because it was (and sometimes still is) mine too.

And I understand why it happens and how to solve it.

See if any of these ring a bell...

🌟 Heath and Fitness: 

You worked out, ate healthy, sweated, deprived yourself of sweets (and other things) and stuck with it for a month or 6 months, resulting in... nothing. Or at least the results you did achieve weren't enough to inspire you beyond the struggle. 

🌟 New Job:

Maybe you want a new job. Your resume' is stellar and you have the qualifications, experience, and great references you need. You bust your butt to apply for everything you would love to do and some jobs that might not be ideal but okay for now, and... nothing. Zippo. Zero. Frustration sets in... again and again, growing bigger because it's an emotional junkball (snowball effect).

🌟 Relationship:

A new relationship situation may be your focus. Either finding one or improving the one you already have. You're doing the right things... being positive-minded, open, putting yourself out there... but it's just not working. 

"Doing" alone isn't going to do the trick. 

I HATED learning this! I felt so dis-empowered that what I knew to do wasn't what was going to get me where I wanted to go. And then I saw it work and it is magic.

🌟 Here's the trick...

It's the energy behind the doing that has the most influence over your results. 

(We talked about this regarding self-love in the Valentine's Day Life Strategy.)

Remember that you have to (HAVE TO) feel (FEEL) the feelings of already having what you want. Yes, imagine. And keep imagining again and again already having what you want with all the details - more detail each time you imagine. Until you can taste it!

Your subconscious mind doesn't differentiate between what's real and what's imagined. That means, if it truly believes you already have something, it will set out to make that true. It's job is to prove you right.

That "prove you right" job it has is also why you don't get the relationship, job, or healthy body you work for if you don't believe you actually deserve or can have it. 

Keep in mind to mind your mind. It is your most powerful tool in your toolbox.  

If you want help doing that at your fingertips, click on the pink button and grab the visualizations and listen to them when you need: 

a boost 

or recharge 

or a clear mind

or inspiration 

or to be more productive

or peaceful sleep  

or to wake up happy... 

Holy smokes! They really have a lot for you!!! 🌟 😊 

Anyone else offering to improve your whole day every day for one payment of $9.97? 

And guided visualizations only work when you listen to them. No "shelf help" here. Self-help requires action. And popping your earbuds in is really easy. 

Okay, I'm off to the gym, which is my happy place! Great sharing with you! 

ROCK your day, Friend! 

And if it's time to sleep because you're opening this at night, listen to "Peaceful Sleep" and enjoy me guiding you to the lake and sending that little sailboat off into the sunset with your question on it so your subconscious can get that answer for you by morning. ðŸ’–

Oh Hey, Spring Into Confidence 3-month one-to-one coaching is starting in March (hence the "spring" part of the title)! Think about what you want to accomplish by summer! (U.S. summer)

You can reply to this email for more info before I tell everyone else about it. It's a very fun, powerful program. 

"Personal growth is serious stuff but it needs be fun, fast, and filled with laughter!" - Kelly Rudolph 


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Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 33 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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