Subject: How to stay upbeat with so much negative going on, Friend ♡

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Hi Friend,
If you are anything like me, you see negative stories, comments, and news everywhere.

It can feel pretty difficult to stay upbeat. And since your emotions create what you have in your life, it's vital to find a way to do it!

Here is an article (excerpt below) I wrote on the topic that explains WHY you automatically look for negative and some ways to shift your focus to create more of what you want in your life.

I find that understanding is very important even if it doesn't solve the problem. It eliminates a lot of unnecessary brain damage from dwelling on what you didn't understand.

Turn on your images. You're missing EVERYTHING!

Make This Simple Choice EVERY Day For A Happier Life

Article Excerpt: Why so much negative thinking?

We may hate to admit it, but negative things draw our attention more than anything else. But, there are actually a couple GOOD reasons for this:

1. Our brain is searching for threats to our survival. Sometimes that’s a physical threat, but often, it’s an emotional threat, or a threat to our ego.But, after the threat is over, our brain still keeps mulling it over trying to figure it out more or fix it in a new way, when what it really needs to do is just let it go.

2. Other people’s problems make us feel better. How many times have you heard gossip about how awesome someone is? Right … not often! But when someone has a problem, it makes us feel better about our own lives and the problems we’re facing. We feel connected or fortunate that our issue isn’t as bad as someone else’s. 

The problem is: Self-esteem plays into negative thoughts and negative thoughts lower self-esteem. It’s a vicious cycle you ultimately want to avoid … and CAN avoid.

If you choose to focus on happy thoughts, you change the percentage of negative thoughts your brain focuses on and repeats day after day. You really can shift your mindset, health and success (in all areas) by looking for the silver lining.

Listening to someone’s negative attitude or commiserating with a friend about your hard day influences more than just that moment in your life. So change it. If you can’t shift a conversation to reflecting on a great lesson learned or something you’re grateful for, walk away.

Bold? Yes. Considered rude? Perhaps. But what direction do you want your life to take? Do you want to stay on your current path of feeling negative all the time, or head toward more happiness? Make a choice.

You ROCK Friend! Enjoy your week.
Hey! I'm smiling at you. Turn on your images!

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
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