Subject: How to repair that relationship, Friend ♡

Positive Women Rock Weekly Life Strategy. Manage subscription below.
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
"Be patient with yourself.
Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground.
There's no greater investment."
- Stephen Covey

Hi Friend,
Each week, women tell me how they'd like their relationship with their kids, significant other, friends, or coworkers to be different, better, more nurturing, loving, or supportive.

Sometimes they are in mentally, emotionally, and/or physically abusive relationships.

They ask me how to fix those relationships. Or they ask why the other person does what they do, or why they don't feel respected by them.

Regardless of the people involved, "fixing" is negative energy. It magnetizes more problems into your life for you to fix, and the destructive cycle repeats.

All of your relationships are a reflection of YOU. The way to repair or attract healthier ones is to work on yourself, from the inside out.

My specialty is walking women step-by-step through that process easily and effortlessly.

Here's what you need to know...

The energetic vibration created by: worry, stress, jealousy, hate, sadness, guilt, resentment, betrayal, blame, fear, and pain, is toxic.

That kind of energy shuts down the physical body (physical illness), the emotional body (depression, anxiety, addiction), and by default, the spiritual body (belief, dreams, desires).

The only thing you have left is your mental body (thought), which is why it's so easy to constantly think about what's wrong. You are only using 25% of who you truly are and it's not the part that can help you. It's actually the part that will hurt you.

It's like driving a car with three flat tires.

You are powerful, but without knowing how to tap into your power, stay tuned-in, and magnetize what you want, it's useless.

Friend, if you are ready to get more out of life and feel more loved, healthy, confident, and happy, click HERE to apply for a Clarity Call with me.

I've set some time aside on my schedule this week for a few women like you who are truly ready to get help creating a life they love, and a future they're excited about!

The only investment guaranteed to pay off, is the investment you make in yourself.

Make it a great day! You deserve it.
Uh oh. My face is supposed to be here. Turn on your images so I can smile at you! :)

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Ready to tap into your inner power and release what keeps you stuck? Clarity Call
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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