Subject: How to choose who is in your future, Friend 💚

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Hey Friend, 
Who have you selected from your current life to be part of your future?

I bet you haven't heard that question before.

Who is in your life is largely up to YOU.

Yes, you may be related to someone or work with someone you wouldn't choose to be around but you have more power than you realize in how even THOSE relationships go.

Turning things around is quick. And surprisingly, who you have in your future has everything to do with what you think about on a consistent basis.

Every thought you have is wrapped in emotion.

So... what are you focusing on most of the day? Your future and how awesome it is? Or the problems and conflicts you currently have?

Since most people focus on what's wrong in their life, or in society, politics, etc., joining in means these are the people you will have in your future.

If someone has hurt you and you continually focus on it, and talk about how to be strong in spite of it, and how you're not going to let it bother you, and how you won't accept that treatment from anyone in the future.... you may feel better in the moment... but WHAT IS YOUR FOCUS? 

Your focused thoughts (wrapped in emotion) are on what's wrong, what hurt, what you don't want any more of... and you energetically magnetize more hurtful people. That's how energy works.

Emotion = Energy In Motion. It creates what you get in your life good or bad, positive or negative. YOUR emotions are your most powerful creative energy - creating your life every second of every day, even while you sleep! 

If you are stressed and can't sleep, those stressful thoughts are creating more of the same - more stress and lack of sleep!

So, what do you do when something is wrong?

You picture how you want it to be instead. That's step #1. 

Most people won't do it because they get more buy-in from others when they voice what's wrong. Everyone else joins in the chain of pain and they're all in a big group feeling included, validated... and miserable. 

Switching your focus from what is currently happening to what you want instead is the fastest and most effective way to change who you have in your future. YOU are truly that POWERFUL. Really.

Simply by shifting your focus to how you want something to be brings up positive emotions and YOU can:

  • Cause relationships to improve
  • Delete toxic "friends" who don't belong in your life
  • Get a free new car like I did
  • Move to your personal paradise like I did
  • Mend your family relationships like my clients and I do
  • Get job offers when others were ahead of you in line
  • Fall backwards to the floor below and land on your head and not get hurt like I did... (true story)

The opportunities are absolutely ENDLESS, especially for magnetizing amazing people into your future! 

When you shift your energy to more positive, your life improves no matter where you're starting from. That "I had a difficult past," part doesn't matter. Not one bit! 

At any time, you can improve all areas of your life at the very same time.

Too good to be true? Not at all. 

Why isn't everyone doing this and creating the life they want?

It's easier to stay stuck, stressed, and struggle. There's company there. 

If you are tired of being in that group and you want an upgrade. Let's talk. 

I work with women who are ready to take charge of their life and get what they want while being in optimal health and at their best for themselves and their loved ones. 

"Wrap your awesomeness around those who are amazing enough to be part of your future." 

There's no need to waste it on trying to "fix" what's wrong when you can create what's better from the inside out!

If you have yet to watch The Inner Power Secret, I show you how and why controlling your emotional energy works so well... and so FAST. 

Join the women who create what they want. It's empowering!

Friend, I believe happiness is your birthright. You DESERVE a life you love!   
Jannina in Virginia said, “That first week working with Kelly, my marriage, career, health, and family life turned around completely. I was promoted when everyone else was getting downsized. I fell deeply in love with my husband all over again. And with peace of mind and restful sleep, parenting switched from feeling like an obligation to my passion.”

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Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 33 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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