Subject: How I healed myself from hot flashes in just a few minutes ♡

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Hi [[firstname]],

May 21st was a special anniversary. 

It was on that day in 2013 that I healed myself from hot flashes. 

I had DOZENS of "violent" ones day and night for 6 solid weeks. 

I woke up at night dripping wet with my sheets drenched. 

Less than 30 minutes after getting dressed in the morning my fresh clothes were completely soaked. 

I only left my home late at night to grocery shop, hoping to avoid people and embarrassment. 

Refusing to stay at home in that 6th week, I ventured out to a friend's networking meeting in a beautiful business suit. 

I maintained eye contact with a woman who was talking to me hoping she didn't notice my spontaneously wet face dripping on the business card she had just handed me. 

I was mortified. 

My hair was so wet it looked like I had just gotten out of the pool as we left the country club where the meeting was held. 

I felt completely out of control. 

Out of control of my body. Out of control of my emotions. Out of control of my life. Out of control of my future. 

My inner power told me there was a healing solution and it wasn't in the shape of a pill, or doctor. 

I've always believed we have the ability to heal ourselves and the ability to make ourselves sick. 

I'd done it many times before ...but this, THIS was different. It was much scarier. 

I did a very powerful energy healing technique I had learned recently. And that afternoon, the hot flash number went from dozens per day to just TWO ...per day. 

Down to TWO, just like that.

After stepping into my power and taking charge of my own healing, I added a giant and very direct prayer. 

I asked God for a new thermostat for my body because mine was a lemon, and I gave him several case studies to prove it. 

Since that moment THREE years ago, I have NEVER had another hot flash. 

That is just one story of how I've healed myself with energy work. There are many others, as well as numerous stories about my clients healing themselves with my guidance. 

It is a privilege to do this work.

This picture was taken just after I got my new thermostat. It was so cold, even the men on the boat wore jackets, which is rare.
This was the conversation...

Captain: Aren't you cold? You usually have 10 layers on by now.
Me: Nope. Got a new thermostat. This one works.
Captain: (laughing) No, really.
Me: Really. I asked God for one because mine was a lemon. I made my case and he agreed. I don't get cold or hot before everyone else anymore.
Captain and crew: No, REALLY. Why aren't you cold?
Me: (smiling) I already told you... got a new thermostat.

It's okay if people don't believe what you know to be true.

I've created a life I love and a future I look forward to helping women with what I've learned and used on myself.

If YOU are interested in energy work for yourself, for anything physical, emotional or otherwise, there is a small group of women experiencing an Inner-Power Breakthrough together (by phone) on Sunday. Click Reply on this email if you'd like to see if it is a good fit for you.

You DESERVE to love your life! 

Here is a blog post I wrote for you yesterday. Click on the link.
A Truly Happy Life Requires These 4 Secret Ingredients

Um... my face is supposed to be here. Turn on your images!

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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