Subject: His vibration reached my bathroom, Friend 😦

If I'd been in a scary movie, it would have flown down the walkway and, well, check out this story.
Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Hey Friend,

Happy Valentine's Day!

Check out this story...

Yesterday morning I was in my bathroom putting on my makeup and my metal Stay Positive wall decor started vibrating!

Being a Californian, I looked to see if anything else was shaking (including me)... nope, just my Stay Positive.

As I got closer to the window to investigate, I heard the rumble of the garbage truck about 300 feet away.

The vibrational frequency of the truck was connecting to that ONE thing in my home and making it vibrate.

As soon as the truck shifted into reverse the vibrating stopped.

It's a great example of how one thing vibrates on a particular frequency and instantly connects to everything else on that same frequency (even far away!).

If I'd been in a scary movie, my wall decor may have flown off the wall and shot down the walkway and stuck to the side of the truck! ... but that's way too dramatic.

...OR IS IT?
Turn on your images! You're missing everything!

Truth is, energy IS dramatic every second of your life because the energy of your underlying emotions magnetizes everything on its same wave length 24/7. 

I said UNDERLYING emotions because it doesn't matter if you have a smile on your face or not. 

Sometimes we wear a smile to keep the peace, avoid being asked if something's wrong, or hide our hurt, fear or anger (protection technique)... 

But beneath the surface, long-standing shame, self-sabotage, guilt, accumulated frustrations - anything negative whether we're consciously aware of it or not - is pulling in more on that same low frequency.

Let's say there's a scale of 1-10 and your morning has your underlying emotions vibrating at a low 4 because maybe:
  • you dread the day ahead
  • or you sit next to a toxic coworker
  • have a micro-managing boss
  • have a migraine 
  • feel overwhelmed for the 56th day in a row
  • or have a major relationship problem

Junk that might align with a 4 and be attracted to you:
  • car accident
  • losing your best client
  • catching the flu
  • a slip and fall with broken bones or painful bruising
  • a falling out with a friend
  • or worse!

Once one negative thing happens, we naturally focus on it because that's how our mind works.

That focus attracts more on the same low frequency. 

Can you see how goes on and on and on and on?

What most people don't know is that it's completely possible to clear out the underlying emotions and raise your frequency immediately to magnetize more of what you DO WANT in your life. 

Self-sabotage, guilt and unworthiness are some MAJOR underlying issues in all women whether they know it or not. 

And I say that with complete confidence based on over 35 years doing this work. 

But the release is quick and painless and your path is clear so things go your way MUCH more often.  

What would it be like to wake up with certainty each morning and know you are moving forward and feel safe and confident knowing just what to do? 

AND if you wake up feeling less than great, you have tools to switch your energy right away and get back on-track. 

Because, no one can stay positive ALL the time regardless of what wall decor hangs in your bathroom. LOL

And THEN you learn how to protect your clear energy from negative people and situations (like virus protection on your computer!).

You know, those people who walk into a room and it feels like they sucked all the air out. 

Or the ones who are smiling but feel less positive to be around than their smile would suggest and even if you like them you feel like you need a shower to get all the negative off after just a few minutes with them? Ugh.

Wouldn't you love to determine how you want to feel each day and know that no one else's energy can mess with you? It's possible!

You need some powerful subconscious mind tools to do it so fortunately you're here with me, Friend because that's my specialty.

Wanna jump on the phone with me and find out if this is a good fit for YOU? I only work with women who will be successful at it so zero risk on your part. 

My programs are proven successful and my intuition ROCKS and that's how I"m 100% confident. Feels awesome!

Simply hit Reply and let me know (eve and weekend times available).

You might like to slide into my Powerful Completions 2020 program so you can accomplish enough to feel very productive and proud of yourself in the next 3 months. 

Oops, looks like you need to turn your images on to see Sarah. :)
I MEASURE EVERYTHING so you can literally SEE your progress! 

Powerful Completions 2019 was FULL of success stories. Here's just one part of Sarah's... 

Self-respect increased from a 3 to 8.5. "I feel good having taken the steps I have in this program. I feel successful because I have something of my own - a job I love. And I feel like a good mom. I set boundaries and stopped letting people run over me. My boundaries have become what makes me strong. When I received Kelly’s texts, I wondered how she knew that was exactly what I needed right then." - Sarah E.
P.S. Here's a GREAT Valentine's self-gift to give yourself... but only if you want to have fun while getting things accomplished and raising your self-confidence! 
Powerful Completions 2020 Life & Energy Coaching

Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 35 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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