Subject: Her pain went from 8.5 to 1, Friend! ♡

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Voicemail after the first energy work session:

“Hey Kelly it's Laura and I'm following up and let you know I'm extremely impressed and grateful! 

The pain I was suffering from is about 80 to 90% gone, to the point that I cancelled my MRI and my bone scan and my appointment with my doctor for next week. And I have you to thank for that. 

You guided me to a powerful way to take care of myself and I appreciate you!"

Friend, It's easy to get worn down when you take too much on. 

You may think you should be able to handle it all but you're not supposed to handle it all. 

In fact, much of it isn't yours to begin with. 

Inherent in women is the pattern of working too hard to prove your worth and in doing so, taking on other peoples' responsibilities so they will like you. 

That is enabling them to stay stuck while it's killing YOU.

Taking on too much can make you unhealthy QUICK! 

And once you have physical symptoms whether frequent fatigue, getting sick all the time, extra weight, sleepless nights, headaches, etc. I guarantee you...

A LOT has gone on beneath the surface before you noticed it in your physical body.

Your body is the last place what's going on INSIDE shows up. 

By THAT time, many people have major illness that costs them their life savings, their livelihood, or their life. 

There IS an alternative... a SMART alternative that saves you time, worry, money, and improves your entire life at the same time. Here's an example...

Laura's Real Life Story:

Laura had a pain in her side for 5 months. The doctors couldn't see anything wrong. She waited, thinking it was a broken rib that would heal up on its own.

It didn't.

Last week, I insisted on energy work with her because I was completely confident it would help tremendously or eliminate the pain all together.

First Session:
She released 2 MAJOR negative emotional junk-balls and took the pain from 8.5 down to ONE! That's 1 on a scale of 1-10.

Second Session:
After coaching and releasing more emotional junk-balls, the pain that crept up to a 3 (due to stress over the past few days) was down to ZERO. 

Laura was surprised when I asked about the pain because it was the first time in 5 months she hadn't felt it.

So, no doctors, no drugs, no surgeries, no problem. That's what I do. 

It is YOUR responsibility to keep YOU HEALTHY & HAPPY! 

Apply for a Free Clarity Call and let's discuss what's possible for your health, relationships, friendships, peace of mind, confidence, success, and happiness.


P.S. My 3-Month Coaching Program Spring Into Confidence Opens on March 20th the first day of Spring! Schedule a Clarity Call for eligibility.

Ahh! I'm smiling at you. Turn on your images!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

Over 33 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind.

7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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