Subject: Have you ever felt like this duck after a productive day, Friend? 😄

Recognize your innate Awesomeness, Friend, you almost glow in the dark!

Hey, ya know what? You may not always feel your awesomeness bubbling up from inside and showing on the outside every day.

Especially when some predicament puts a damper on your positivity or plans or productivity.

But the truth is... when things seem bleak, YOU'VE still got it goin' on, my friend!

Yikes! Turn on your images! You HAVE to see this duck dance!

Remember, just because you can't see it (or maybe feel it) at the moment doesn't mean it isn't there. It's there!

A Few Tips To Keep In Mind:

Do things you believe in that your gut feeling says YES to. If you don't get a yes, move on. May not be the right time. If you get frustrated, take a break until you feel inspired again. I take breaks all the time!

Move away from negative people. And if you absolutely can't, protect your emotional energy when you need to communicate with them in any way. Picture yourself in a protective bubble negative energy can't penetrate.

Energy is more contagious than any virus will ever be. Both positive AND negative. (Your protective bubble lets positive energy in!)

Some wonderful people you know may be in a rut and YOU want to be in your groove like the white duck!

So, stay out of their rut and get into your groove!



P.S. Hey Friend, does having a positive attitude and getting important things done every day make you feel extra good about yourself like it does me? If so, look for my email later this week.

Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

FREE Training Here.

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