Subject: Feeling good about yourself during uncertainty 💖

You know those people who are happy even when things are chaotic or uncertain? They have a system...

Turn on your images! You gotta see this!

Feeling good about yourself no matter what is going on around you is vital to your physical, mental and emotional health... but it doesn't come naturally.

That's because the #1 job of your subconscious mind is to protect you, so it's always looking for threats to your survival to send you a "get the heck outta here" gut feeling!

Looking for threats means it's always looking for NEGATIVE things first. Anything that could hurt you.

So if you find yourself defaulting into negative thoughts and feelings, that's why.

Obviously, with everybody's subconscious minds looking for negative threats, it's easy to focus on them get into conversations about them that bring you down making you feel angry, sad, frustrated, hurt, betrayed, etc.

You need to know how to flip your switch, Friend.

The most positive-minded people have a daily system that allows them to function on a high energetic frequency during the lowest energetic times.

Remember, energy either high frequency (good emotions) or low frequency (negative emotions) is POWERFUL and ONLY magnetizes other energy just like it.

So... how ARE you feeling today?

If you're feeling down or angry, guilty or sad, you're magnetizing people and situations that bring more of those feelings.

And if you are feeling love, gratitude, joy, happiness, you magnetize positive people and circumstances that bring more of those wonderful emotions into your life!

Do you think you're being positive and doing everything right but you keep getting negative things in your life? 

That simply means beneath the surface (in your subconscious mind) there are accumulations of negative emotions that you can't reach but are secretly influencing what you're magnetizing.

Whether you choose to release them quickly and permanently by working with me or not, you'll still need a daily system to stay upbeat to attract positive people and opportunities.

Positive Mindset System (Daily Needs):

  1. Something to look forward to big or small - can be a favorite TV show or friend chat or playing with your pet

  2. Fun exercise with instant results - I have one 15 minute workout and a 30 minute one spaced throughout the day, no warm-up or cool-down necessary

  3. Accountability to drink enough of water - I put a pretty marble in a tiny cup for each refillable bottle of water I drink until I get to 4-5 marbles

  4. Eating healthy foods and a quick meal-replacement shake when you can't - so you feel satisfied and get nutrition

  5. Something to laugh about - might be funny animal videos, your pet, movie or TV shows, a funny friend

  6. Someone positive to connect with - limit time with negative people and protect your energy so they won't rub off on you.

  7. Productivity: an accomplishment you're proud of big or small - it can be small like vacuuming or learning something new, important phone call - make it doable, congratulate yourself, build up to more (most people take on too much and feel like they failed)

  8. Me-time - at least 15 minutes alone time to think and feel and appreciate yourself and the good things in your life (more Me-time is better! Build up to hours or a whole day)

  9. Switch-flipping from negative to positive energy - you have to have some way to give your energy a reboot to pop back into positivity and abundance. you can do that here with my guidance

These will help you sleep better and keep your weight healthy also by reducing stress and anxiety while you feel stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.

Remember, how you feel on the inside determines your physical health. It is the physical manifestation of your emotional energy. Emotions are EVERYTHING.



P.S. Every good coach has a good coach. And my coach is inspiring and supporting me in adding some powerful new programs for you in Positive Women Rock! Stay tuned!

Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

FREE Training Here.

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