Subject: Empowerment for your weekend, Friend 💖

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Hey Friend, 

YOU are important. Remember to take care of YOU this weekend. ðŸ’–

Make some time for me-time. Even if it's 15 or 30 minutes only. Do what YOU want to do the way YOU want to do it.

Life might seem to move faster and faster and yet there are still 24 hours in a day for all of us.

Some of that time every single day belongs to YOU and ONLY YOU. 

It's easy to get sidetracked doing for others or allowing things to distract you from what you want or need to do, isn't it?

I hear ya! I just got sidetracked 4 times in one hour this morning.

A new client and I are texting and being accountable to each other today to get projects completed, and I got distracted SEVERAL times by other things. 

Something more fun or seemingly more pressing popped into my mind and there I went! 

Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! No... it's Kelly, off on another tangent! 😉

If your personality style (there are 4 in my simple system) is the same as mine, you may find that happens a LOT. 

While it can be frustrating (and time-wasting if you lack a plan), remember you are just living into your style. 

That means you accept it and find ways to work around it to get things accomplished. 

Other people may tell you that you are doing things wrong or how to do them differently but if they are a different personality style, what works for them may not work for YOU.

Another reason you may get sidetracked, whatever personality style you are, is procrastination. Ugh...

Have you ever felt like you could teach a class on procrastination but you'd probably put it off? LOL

Procrastination is a strategy we use that supppppppposedly puts more important things ahead of what can wait...

Um... NOPE.

Procrastination is simply an avoidance tactic to keep from doing something you dread and there is always a payoff for not doing it or you would do it. 

You know it won't be fun... it's going to take up your time... 

However, when you get around to it, it feels so good to have it completed. Ahhh... 

If you decide to do something you've been procrastinating, please CELEBRATE afterward instead of beating yourself up for not doing it sooner, okay? 

And if someone else accomplishes something they have been procrastinating doing, celebrate them! Because...

The only things you feel truly inspired to do are those that feel good.

And beating yourself up after doing something just makes it worse. No punishment is necessary and it is self-abuse. 

No need to feel stupid or unproductive, or any of those negative feelings.

When you celebrate, it feels good and next time you might procrastinate for half as long only or not at all! ðŸ˜Š


Because it's inspiring to get to feel good feelings after completing something.

You know it won't be fun... it's going to take up your time... AND YOU GET TO FEEL GOOD AND CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS AFTERWARD!

Whew! What a difference, eh? (that was for my Canadian friends)

Let me say it again. YOU ARE IMPORTANT. (and steer clear of anyone who doesn't believe that)

This perspective shift can change your whole life... INSTANTLY. Seriously!

So, enjoy your weekend, Friend. 

Take care of YOU. Make some me-time out of that 24 hours a day you have available.  

Make YOU a priority. Move yourself from the back burner to the front burner. 

That's where you are in MY mind.
You Totally ROCK!
Kelly ðŸ’–
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 35 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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