Subject: Cancel your membership in the Doubt & Anxiety Club, Friend... 💥

It can be confusing to know what to think, do, feel right now with so much uncertainty and unrest. And how do you move forward?

Turn on your images! You're missing everything!

Yikes! It's been a LOT all at once!

Just when you're making progress and feeling optimistic something comes along to pull you right back into the box of doubt, frustration, and anxiety.

If you feel like this kitty lately, Friend, you're in good company. It's like a Doubt & Anxiety Club most people are a member of that no one asked to join.

Yikes! Turn on your images! You're missing something funny!

Keeping in mind that even normally positive-minded people have joined the Doubt & Anxiety Club lately as optimism and confidence get temporarily challenged or completely replaced by fear and frustration...

How do you feel most of the time these days?

Do you feel angry, afraid, frustrated, confused, disconnected, heartbroken, depressed, anxious, sad, uncertain or powerless?

Or are you feeling grateful, happy, loved, connected, joyful and optimistic about your life even while your heart aches for those who are struggling?

Maybe you've been feeling a mixed bag of emotions like grateful you have what you have but uncertainty and fear it won't last.

The world may not feel safe to you right now as it can be risky emotionally (and even physically) just to say what's on your mind or do normal things.

And since your emotions create energy that pulls more people and situations into your life that cause MORE of that same (and similar) emotion, learning how to feel good even during uncertainty and unrest is vital for your health and safety (and sanity)!

So, to begin the process of canceling your membership in the Doubt & Anxiety Club, "reply" on this email and let me know what's going on for you so I can include you in some fun, positive, empowering things I'm putting together for us to enjoy!

Idea starters:

  • how you're feeling

  • what you're stressed about

  • what you want and need to feel better

  • what you miss, have learned, want to leave behind

I'm the only one who will see and read your email and I'll personally write back to you, Friend.



Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

FREE Training Here.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Ahh! Turn on your images. You're missing everything!

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