Subject: Before you step into another day of 2023, check this out, Friend 🤗

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

A powerful email with a GREAT P.S.

If you aren't healthy and happy in your new year yet... you can get there if you play your cards right... or ask for new cards, Friend. 😉

Consider this, as you begin your 2023...

Everything, EVERYTHING is an "inside" job. You consciously live your life every day but your SUBconscious runs 95-99% of your life by default (that's the "inside" part).

The BEST part is... understanding (and adjusting) the SUBconscious mind that runs the show is pretty SIMPLE. 🤗

I SO love simplifying things! 🥰

Here's an example...

If someone wants to lose weight, already knowing the subconscious mind is programed to go find what you lose (or lost) and get it back for you - plus more in case you lose it again - would be very important, wouldn't it? 🙂

It's also pre-programed to "pick up" what you dropped (drop weight, for example).

You need better words!

Another example is that the word "try" has implied failure (and at the very least doubt) since the 12th century! Fully ingrained in all your ancestors and passed down to YOU. 😑

There are other things you can say that mean the same but lack the detrimental pre-programed failure-factor like, "give it a shot" or "practice". Wouldn't it be smart to use those instead?

So, it makes sense that simply switching out some self-sabotaging words for empowering ones will get you where you're going and what you want faster and easier, doesn't it? 🤗

There are ways to improve all aspects of your life just as simply.

And you know what?

Just by reading this email, you already know more about the subconscious mind than most people on the planet will EVER know! 😊

AND you can use these things you may have just learned for the very first time to empower yourself immediately!

You do deserve to be healthy, happy and successful even if you aren't feeling deserving just yet, Friend. (That's an inside job we can accomplish here too.)

You Rock! 💖


P.S. I'm considering offering my VIP Day as a standalone program. ONE day (just you and me on the phone) 100% focused on YOUR results and YOUR success story.

 My Inner Power Breakthrough clients (who receive this as a $1,500 bonus) have reduced stress, repaired relationships and improved their mental, emotional and physical health DURING the call! (And this is before we do any energy work! 🤗)

Is this of interest to you, Friend? Reply to this email and I'll share more info with you. 💌

P.P.S. If you are one of my Inner Power Breakthrough clients, who date back to the amazing Laura V. in 2016 (her Success Story is on this page - about 1/2 way down), and would like a refresher, let me know. I'm planning something for you too! 😊

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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