Subject: A terrifying diagnosis empowered her with confidence, Friend 💝 In her own words...

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

It happens to someone every minute of every day. It's often devastating.

You get a scary diagnosis and your mind goes into overdrive with all the possibilities of what could happen.

Tests, scans, doctor’s appointments, time off work, sleepless nights... and fear about your future turn your world upside down.

Your plate was already full and now this.

You're scared. Understandably.

As much as you try to focus on a positive outcome, worry consumes your thoughts.

OR, what if you get the same diagnosis and you already know physical ailments are caused by negative emotions?

Those that have been passed down to you, gotten triggered and snowballed over time to become HUGE and destructive.

You immediately see this physical diagnosis as a red flag that you need to focus on YOU.

Something in your emotional body needs your attention so your physical body can heal and get back to health.

You also know that releasing the emotion(s) that created the issue can be accomplished quickly by phone.

Then you can heal completely, begin to heal, or be more open to healing by the doctors or practitioners you’ve chosen to help.

This happened on Sunday, July 3rd at Positive Women Rock.

A wonderful client from an Inner Power Access 30-day program last year texted early in the morning.

She said it was hard to wait until it was “late enough” to text me because she wanted to release the emotional baggage that caused the malignant tumor in her breast.

The location, type of tumor, stage, side of the body, past, present, work, family, etc.. were ALL significant in helping us quickly pinpoint the hidden cause we released.

Now, the source has been cut off and my client is able to use healthy nutrition and rest to help heal what has already manifested physically.

Her peace of mind and confidence soared, which makes the surgery to remove it icing on the cake instead of the beginning of something terrible that could reoccur.

She texted me the following day to share more insights that came to her! This is very common and welcomed by my clients and me when we do energy work.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Sometimes months later we still have aha! moments from energy work.

Friend, please remember that even when things seem bleak or terrifying, you have tremendous inner power!

You can do a LOT for yourself and even turn things around that seem hopeless.

It is important to steer clear of negative people. Sometimes, as frightening as it seems, you’re better off alone to focus on yourself and healing.

Those around you who mean well can drag you down or join in a chain of pain and fear and worry.

That energy fuels the problem!

It is the opposite of what you need!

Make room for those who believe you can heal.

Those who speak and pray positive words and outcomes.

Remember, there is always another way no one is talking about.

Pssst… we talk about it here at Positive Women Rock. 😉

Friend, you’re stronger than you think and more powerful than you can possibly imagine!

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Reply to this email if you feel inspired to look into working together. 😊

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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