Subject: A powerful piece of my life-transforming program is yours, Friend... check THIS out 😃

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It's true that life transformations happen in 30 days at Positive Women Rock and you can see the mind-blowing success stories on the website.

These results are because we work with the subconscious mind that runs 95-99% of your life by default.

You might be stuck where most people are... try to change their lives by "doing" something (or a lot of things) differently.

That's the hard way, Friend, because you only have control over 1-5% of your life - your automatic pilot is running the rest.

That's why habits are hard to change, diets difficult to stick to, and health challenging to keep.

It's like someone unseen is at the controls of your life, relationships and health, and what you are "doing" is fighting against a much larger force.

My programs are 100% successful because we work with the subconscious mind to reprogram it after deleting emotional baggage that happened long ago but sabotages you daily.

My Positive Words To Get You Heard workshop is a tiny piece of a module in my life-transforming program.

It's working WITH your subconscious mind instead of frustratingly against it!

If you truly are interested in taking charge of your life and seeing immediate results, join me.

This is a tiny step you can take to see how powerful you are and see a bigger, brighter picture of your life and your possibilities. 🤩

$27 Early Bird pricing happening NOW. Jump in TODAY and save!

There's no need to keep wondering why people miss your point, do the opposite of what you asked or disrespect your boundaries when you can have the answers an solution to all 3 for $27 in one powerful hour.


Kelly 💖

P.S. Friend, who else do you know who wants to take more charge of her life in a single hour? Invite her! 😀

P.P.S. If you purchased a ticket for this one last year, this new workshop is included with your ticket. Just reply to this email and let me know you'd like to come. 🤗

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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