Subject: A hike, a brain-shirt, and a root canal... 💫

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Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Turn on your images! You're missing everything!
Hi Friend,

Yesterday, a client and friend and I were hiking with a group of women. 

At the end of the hike as the smaller groups joined together, one woman had a graphic of a brain on her shirt with all of the lobes and sections labeled. 

I commented, "I like your shirt! My work is with the subconscious mind so, I like it!" 

Her response was unexpected to say the least.

She said, "There is very little proof the subconscious mind has any affect on our thoughts or behavior." 

What? Has she been living under a rock? (hiking pun intended, LOL) 

Her one-liner spoke volumes.

The subconscious mind has been studied and proven to be the reason for our thoughts and behavior since the 1800's.

I don't know how she missed it. Truly.

If she knew about all the proof, research, science, and success stories about changing habits, behavior, beliefs, emotions, health, success, relationships, etc. by tapping into the subconscious mind, she could take charge of her life instead of simply living what she sees in front of her.

As a BIG fan of asking for more cards instead of just playing the hand you were dealt, I realized that many people have no idea there are: 
  • more cards to ask for, 
  • more opportunities to take advantage of,
  • more happiness to enjoy,
  • more success to experience,
  • and more love than they ever knew existed.
I probably won't comment on her shirt next time but she did open my eyes.

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Now, on to an averted root canal because I asked for what I want!

Last Tues., 7 days ago, I drank room temperature water (like I do all day long) but this time it caused that trademark deep, severe "need a root canal pain" on my upper and lower left side! Ugh. Ouch! Nooooooooooo!!!

It's happened before and the solution was always the same regardless of dentist.

Having been a big fan of root canals since 2 years of sensitivity was solved by one years ago, this time I knew there had to be a better way. Even my dentist in Mexico (a 20 minute drive) is $1000 for a root canal with a pretty 3-D printed same-day crown. Yikes. 

This time... I decided to "fix" it myself. 

First, each time I felt the pain (it even hurt just breathing air), I said, "Thank you God for healing my teeth! Show me what to do." 

By a few hours later, no pain, but I knew there was more to do. It was a feeling I had because I'd asked for what to do.

Since I make my own Colloidal Silver and take it daily, my intuition said to look up how to heal teeth with it. There were numerous wonderful success stories!

In one of the success stories, a guy saw a cavity close up and heal. Another one asked the dentist to check on a cracked tooth from before he started using Colloidal Silver and the dentist said there wasn't any evidence of a crack! And several had averted root canals.

I began swishing the next morning, Wed. and the first time, it HURT. BAD. For only 3 seconds and I haven't felt ANY pain since!!! :) I'm SO grateful.

Ask for what you want.

Swishing 4-5 times per day has made my teeth whiter, gums healthier, and I KNOW it's healing everything that needs healing.

Top Takeaways:
  1. Never comment on someone's brain shirt. ;)
  2. Ask for what you want. Every Day.
  3. No more root canals for THIS Positive Woman!
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P.S. To tap into YOUR subconscious mind for better health, relationships, weight, and success, watch this Inner Power Secret video for women over 40.

P.P.S. Empowering topics like perspective shifting for your sanity and health are included in the upcoming Spring Into Confidence free workshop series (phone or web). Be sure you get invited by taking the Clarity Survey (if you haven't yet).
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 33 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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