Subject: ☑ What you're missing that helps your happiness, Friend

Positive Women Rock Weekly Life Strategy. Manage subscription below.
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
Turn on you rimages. You're missing a woman having fun!
Hi Friend,

Self-care and honoring the woman you are is your FIRST step to your own happiness.

For example, if your first name isn't right here > Friend, you're missing the full effect of yours and my connection. Add your first name by editing your subscription at the bottom of this email.

You deserve to feel "connected" and even though this email goes to all of my awesome Positive Women Rock subscribers, I love connecting with YOU each week.

Self-care is something you MAKE time for.

If you find yourself saying, "I don't have time," realize that you, just like the rest of us have the same 24 hours every day. 8760 hours per year. 525,600 minutes every year. YOU HAVE ALL THE TIME THERE IS ...already.

If you're not using it to your advantage, you can start right now. And you can start slow. It's okay. You just want to start. :)

You need time to care for your body: eating, drinking lots of water, eating healthy, sleeping enough, great supplements since we don't get all of our nutrition from the food we eat, hair care, skincare, body moisturizer without chemicals, and fun!

You have to have fun. Do things you love. MAKE the time. It's important.

This topic came to me when a Facebook friend asked what I use on my hair after liking it in a photo. When I went to type how I keep it healthy, it included a LOT more than products.

Here's what I wrote to her:

"Nioxin 3-step every 3rd day. No chlorine touches it (super water filter on shower), Chi Silk leave in, all the awesome supplements I take, 11 workouts per week, drink lots of water, no junk food, a positive attitude, lots of fun and rolling flat iron. That's it. I think."

See how one thing like hair is affected by EVERYTHING, even your attitude?

How would YOUR body, hair or life look if you made yourself a priority?

Would you like it better?

I know you may feel a bit guilty in the beginning, feeling like you're taking time from someone else. I also know you will be honoring the woman you are. She is VERY important, whether you believe it or not.



Oh! Turn on your images! You're missing stuff!

Life Strategies subscriber

Wow. I love you. You’ve managed to give me more insight about my life in 2 emails than 7 years of higher education have AND you just saved me another 2 years + xxx,xxx.xx amount of dollars!
– Sahar F., New York City
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, my FACE is supposed to be here! :)

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
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