Subject: Big Magic

Hamptons Preview
A new series exploring the perfections and imperfections of both life and painting by Edward Lentsch.

From Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Because creative living is a path for the brave, we all know this. And we all know that when courage dies, creativity dies with it. We all know that fear is a desolate boneyard where our dreams go to desiccate in the hot sun. This is common knowledge. But sometimes we just don’t know what to do about it.

For me, returning to the Hamptons is about getting back on the horse and face-off with the dragon. Embracing the conflict --embracing the pain --facing the fear and trembling--and trying to find the courage to take risks again. Big Magic is a book I couldn't more strongly recommend. I think all creatives know the Artist's Way and The War of Art, both of which have had there profound influence on me. But Big Magic I needed at a time when everything was upside down and I had run out of answers.
I welcome you to view the new collection here

all good things

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