Subject: July 2022 Astrological Forecast ⭐🔮🌜

July 2022 Astrological Forecast

Things are really heating up as we head into summer! Very hot topics are on the forefront of the people’s minds and we’re seeing much restlessness on the streets. From what I see, it’s far from over. Despite the efforts of those who wish to control what information we receive, very important information is slowly being disclosed to the public that will create greater and greater controversy as time goes on. It is now more important than ever to ground yourself, to keep your head on straight and your eyes on the prize - a better world. We must use discernment in everything if we are to find our way through this and we mustn't rely on what others tell us as truth. Use your gut to help you weigh the information as truth or fiction. Take what resonates and leave the rest. I would like to remind you too that while you may not be able to control what’s going on in the world, you are able to control your response to it. Care about yourself, care about how you feel and let go of the things you cannot control. This is a vibrational universe, so do what you can to raise yours and you’re gonna feel a whole lot better!

We start the month off with two planets changing signs with Mars entering Taurus and Mercury entering Cancer on July 4th. Mars in Taurus slows us down quite a bit and asks us to consider our desires before we take action. This energy is beneficial for making long term plans. Look to see which house Taurus rules in your chart to see where you will be motivated by this. Mars will be here until August 21st. Mercury in Cancer puts an emotional emphasis on our communication, our decision making, judgements and plan making. We might find ourselves being a little more sensitive and sentimental. Our intuition plays a larger role in our perceptions during this time too. This is a good time for a heart-to-heart discussion. Mercury will be here until July 19th.

We have a Full Moon on July 13th at 21 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn Full Moons often bring out our ambitions and our desires to accomplish more, typically in our careers. With the Sun in Cancer, the desires are often focused more on the personal life while the Capricorn energy usually focuses on the professional life. This is about balancing these two parts of your life and finding harmony between your inner and outer desires. This can sometimes be more of an emotionally challenging time as Capricorn has a difficult time expressing its emotional nature. Have patience with anyone, including yourself, who might be struggling to find their sense of security at this time. We will have our Full Moon Meditation on Thursday, July 14th at 6 pm if you care to join us. We have air conditioning!

On July 17th, Venus will enter the sign of Cancer. While Venus is here, our relationships often become more personal, emotional and nurturing. Our desires are often colored by the need for emotional security so do be wise if you find that you want to spend your money on sentimental things right now. Cancer is very much about comfort and security and if you give in to retail therapy you might regret it later on. Venus will be here until August 11th.

On July 19th, Mercury enters Leo. With Mercury wearing the fiery cloak of Leo, our communication is colored with exuberant energy! People are often more dramatic at this time and we will often see more excitement in the world at large. Communication is often more direct and our logical minds tend to take charge more. This is a time for lighter discussions. Mercury will be here until August 5th.

On July 22nd, the Sun enters Leo and the energy shifts to a more lively energy. Leo is ruled by the Sun and when the Sun is here, he’s quite at home. This is the height of Summer and we feel the abundance all around us! Leo is a very optimistic sign and reminds us to be a little less serious and to have a little more fun. This is a time of self-expression and to be creative in that. Make some art, write, sing, dance, or do what you do to express yourself! This is an excellent time for vacations, picnics, games, bbqs and all kinds of summertime fun! Look to see which house Leo rules in your chart to see which area of your life is being highlighted. The Sun will be in Leo until August 23rd.

This month's special reading is hidden inside my newsletter for those who take the time to read all the way through. Write a Google Review for me this month and receive a special coupon good for $25 off your next reading. Offer good until July 31, 2022. Be sure to contact me once you've done it to get your coupon!

On July 28th, Jupiter goes retrograde. It’s going back through the sign of Aries and will end up at the 28th degree of Pisces before it turns direct once more in November. This is a time for working on our personal talents and skills. Anything having to do with self-development will be benefited during this time.

Also happening on July 28th, we have a New Moon in Leo at 5 degrees. With a New Moon in Leo, this is a time for being more creative, for being brave and for making wishes! Use this time to create new intentions in your life that correspond with the joy you wish to feel and pamper your inner child. Join us that night for our New Moon Meditation!

July 2022 is a number Four universal month. A number four month is usually a time for getting down to business. It’s a great time for organizing, planning and preparing. Considering what I see coming down the line for us, I would advise that you make appropriate preparations for you and your family. Cutting out any unnecessary spending, reducing your debt, storing some food and water, and doing preventative maintenance is the best use of this energy. Don’t let that scare you, follow your gut and trust that you are guided and you will be fine. We are all gifted with the ability to tune in and get guidance through our subtle senses. Slow down, be still and listen. You will sense the guidance you need. And don’t forget you are not alone, you have unseen, spiritual support all around you. Ask and you shall receive.

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

As a reminder, my newest Psychic Development class begins this Friday, July 1st at 4 pm. This will be a weekly class and you can come to whichever ones you please. There will be instruction followed by group practice. This will also serve as a sort of psychic support group to discuss all things paranormal. Each class is $25. If you are interested, register here so I have your info. I hope to see you there!

Things are getting crazy out in the world right now, so do your best to stay grounded and center yourself in your heart. Reach out if you need help and I encourage you to come to my meditations to meet new people and make new spiritual contacts. So many people tell me how alone they feel and how they don’t have any like-minded friends. This is why I put on my meditations, so we can form a community. We are not meant to live in this world separate and alone - we are social creatures. We are stronger together and we can accomplish great things when we learn to grow as a community. So be brave and show up one of these nights. We have free food and air conditioning too!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


The image above is a desktop wallpaper I made for July 2022. Feel free to download it and use it on your computer!


Witch School

Have you ever wanted to practice the craft? Awaken your inner witch and learn the basics for getting started on your magickal journey! This 12 week course is designed for the absolute beginner. Class size is limited. $40 per class but bring a friend and you each pay $30 instead! Contact me by July 6th to register! Classes start July 11th.

Psychic Development Class

Everyone is psychic and anyone can learn how to develop their ESP! Join me for a weekly class in psychic development instruction and group practice and discover your psychic abilities! We will cover everything under the psychic umbrella including but not limited to: ESP training (the clairs), telepathy, psychometry, tarot cards, crystal balls and scrying, palm reading, body language interpretation, numerology, astrology, runes, oracles, meditations, dreams, astral travel, manifestation magick, remote viewing, spirit communication, mediumship, channeling and much more! Classes are every Friday at 4 pm for 90 minutes starting on July 1st, 2022. Cost is $25 per class. Come to all the classes or just some. Ages 16+. Please silence cell phones during class. Class size is limited. First paid, first served. Sign Up Here


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 18,19,20 Challenging: 6.7

TAURUS: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 8,9

GEMINI: Rewarding: 23,24,25 Challenging: 10,11

CANCER: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 12,13

LEO: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29,30 Challenging: 14,15

VIRGO: Rewarding: 3,4,5,31 Challenging: 16,17

LIBRA: Rewarding: 6,7 Challenging: 18,19,20

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 8,9 Challenging: 21,22

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 23,24,25

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 26,27

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 1,2,28,29,30

PISCES: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 3,4,5,31

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