Subject: Aries New Moon Magick - Money & Prosperity Spell ✨💵🌜

Merry meet, my magickal friends!

We are celebrating the pagan holiday of Ostara right now to welcome the Spring Equinox today. It also marks the start of a brand new astrological year! This is a great time for doing some magick. Tomorrow morning marks an exceptionally powerful time for magick and I wanted to be sure to let you know about it!

This New Moon is happening at the very first degree of the entire zodiac - 0 degrees of Aries and it’s going to pack a punch! This is some really powerful energy to tap into for magickal purposes that support new endeavors, fresh starts and starting over. In addition, you can use the hour of the New Moon conjunction (½ hour before til ½ hour after) known as the Cazimi Moon to start anything important to you. The conjunction occurs at 10:23 am on March 21, 2023 so that means the Cazimi Moon hour starts at 9:53 am and ends at 10:53 am. Perfect for new beginnings. If you have something important to start around now, this is the ideal time to start!

What does a new moon symbolize? This is a time of introspection, self-analysis and reflection. An opportunity for a fresh start and a New You. Use the energy of Aries to state some new intentions for yourself and take advantage of this powerful time to make some positive changes for the future!

What to do on the New Moon? Here are some ideas:

  • Take the time to clear your mind and organize your altar.

  • Light a single white candle to invoke peace and restoration.

  • Cleanse yourself with a spiritual bath.

  • Practice gratitude and relaxation.

  • Add pages to your Book of Shadows.

  • Journal or write in your Book of Mirrors

  • Meditate or cast a spell to harness the energies of a New Moon

I hope you get some good use out of this powerful New Moon. As an added bonus, I’m including a New Moon Money & Prosperity Spell below for you to do if you’re interested in using this New Moon energy to help increase your prosperity. Feel free to alter it to suit your personal needs and use whatever materials you can to cast the spell. Remember, the magick is in you, not the tools so the tools don’t really matter, they just help you focus. But most of all, have fun as you work your magick!

Blessed be,


The Laughing Gypsy

New Moon Money & Prosperity Spell

This is a Wicca New Moon ritual that includes an easy money spell. Bring prosperity and abundance into your life with a check of abundance.


  • 3 green candles

  • One or more of these green stones (Emerald, Peridot, Amazonite, Jade)

  • One or more of these prosperity herbs or incense (Allspice, Cinnamon, Clover, Ginger, Mint)

  • One of your checks (or use the image above)

  • Pen

  • Optional: money oil (oil charged with herbs and intention for money spells)

  • Optional: additional symbols of money and prosperity that speak to you


  1. Set up your prosperity altar by arranging the green candles (Fire) on a table, surrounded by your crystals or gemstones (Earth).

  2. If desired, anoint the candles and/or the crystals with money oil.

  3. Light the candles and burn the herbs as incense (Air). You can use incense sticks or burn some dried herbs in a safe container such as your cauldron.

  4. Optionally, add more elements such as Florida Water or sea shells to represent the Element Water, or symbols of prosperity such as coins, bills, statues, etc.

  5. Write your full name on the check symbolizing that you are open to receiving the abundance of the Universe. You can leave the date blank or put the date in which you are writing the check.

  6. Enter the money amount in numbers and letters, or if it’s something else you want to receive, be specific about what it is and write it down.

  7. Sign your check on the back so that it is endorsed by divine prominence and the abundant, generous energies of the Universe. Keep your check in a safe place.

  8. Focus and raise your energy as you visualize yourself receiving the abundance. See yourself living as if this were true and focus like this for several minutes. You can repeat the chant or make up your own if you like if it helps you focus. Chant this prayer at least 7 times while you focus on your growing abundance: "Money flows, money grows. By Moon divine, the money is mine."

  9. When it feels that you have raised enough energy, focus this energy into the check by imagining it flowing either from your hands, your solar plexus or your third eye and into the check. Let the candles burn down if you have time. If not, snuff them out and light them again when you can focus again, you may repeat the raising of energy if desired. When your candles burn out, bury the remains in some dirt.

Tips for Casting the Money Spell

As you fill out your check of abundance, make sure that your mind, heart, and will are in line and focused on what you wish. STAY POSITIVE! Negativity, doubts, fear and worry will kill your magick.

Keep your check in a place where no one else will see it and keep in mind that the process of your petition of abundance has begun. Discard it when it feels necessary. You can burn it if you like, but wait until the next Full Moon to do so.

Give thanks for the wealth which you know will be headed your way soon.

If you don't burn the candles right away, keep burning the green candles throughout the following week. Don’t leave candles burning unattended.

How long does the spell take to manifest? It depends on your personal situation. Be patient and do not create doubts or negativity around the spell. Wait at least one month before recasting the spell.

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