Subject: April 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast 🌷⭐🔮

April 2022 Monthly Forecast

We start the month off with a fiery New Moon in Aries at 11 degrees. This can act as a catalyst for many to make positive changes or it can act as a pressure release for anyone who hasn’t verbalized their feelings in a while. Stay aware of your emotions and you stand a better chance of experiencing the former. There is also a conjunction between the Sun and Chiron on April 1st, then between Mercury and Chiron happening on the 2nd and this could lead to healing and greater understanding which will be needed in the case of any fiery tempers being triggered by the Aries energy.

By the way, we will not be hosting a New Moon meditation for this one but we will for the Full Moon!

Aries New Moons mark the time of year when the seasons begin anew as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. So this time of year can act as a sort of New Year’s energy as we focus on the next turning of the wheel, placing our focus on what we want to attract and manifest in our lives in the year ahead. Aries is about the self and so this is a good time to focus on you and what you need whether that’s physical or not. Sometimes this means putting in firm boundaries and sometimes this means confrontations, but rest assured it’s always about self-improvement. Depending on your birth chart, this will play out differently but if you know which house 11 degrees of Aries is in your chart, use this time as an opportunity to set new goals for yourself in that area of your life.

And if you don’t know where that is in your chart, reply to this email with your birth info (date, time and city) and I will tell you which areas of your life are being highlighted with this New Moon. By the way, if you’re interested in getting personalized horoscopes delivered to your inbox every month via a sound file, I’m now offering a new service. It’s my Monthly Personalized Horoscope Subscription service and it’s $100 a month. This new service includes a personalized monthly horoscope recorded by me, one monthly 90 minute consultation with me, plus a 11% discount on store merchandise! If you’re interested, click the button below and let’s talk!

Venus enters Pisces on April 5th. Venus is considered exalted in the sign of Pisces, meaning she is expressed very well here and her positive traits are highlighted. Venus in Pisces is romantic, dreamy, artistic and kind. This energy is great for romantic encounters but not so great for practicality, but we can all use a break from reality every now and then. This dreamy energy is what keeps hope and romance alive and without that, life feels cold and mechanical. This is coming from a woman with Venus in Pisces in her birth chart so I know what I’m talking about :-P

On April 10th Mercury enters Taurus. While Mercury is in this earthy sign, we might find that our thoughts slow down considerably and we begin to be more deliberate in our communication with others. The Taurus energy slows down the speedy tendencies of Mercury and allows for more presence in the here and now. Taurus energy reminds us to slow down and smell the roses and Mercury’s presence here suggests that this is a great time for practicing mindfulness. Especially since Mercury Retrograde is coming next month!

Mars enters Pisces on April 14th. After the mental workout Mars in Aquarius gave us over the past few weeks, things shift dramatically with Mars entering the last sign of the zodiac. Mars in Pisces appears sluggish behind Mars in Aquarius, but in truth, Mars in Pisces is selective with its energy. This is a time when we need to choose wisely where to exert ourselves, where to stand up and where to back off. Mars in Pisces is like having a low reserve of personal energy which should be utilized with care so as not to waste precious energy on useless things. This is good advice for anyone with personal placements in Virgo while Mars is in Pisces. Pisces is the opposite sign of Virgo and that means that for a short period, Mars, the planet of war, will be in opposition to any planet or angle in Virgo, possibly creating friction and tension and possible rivals popping up to block your efforts. Mars will leave Pisces and enter Aries, its own sign on May 25th.

There is a Full Moon in Libra on April 16th. This is happening at 26 degrees of Libra/Aries. This can be an intense Full Moon as the Aries and Libra axis is about finding harmony between the self and others. Sometimes this means that confrontations must occur before peace can be restored, so stay grounded and be mindful of yourself. Sometimes this Full Moon makes us painfully aware of our own selfishness but without awareness, there can be no growth. Just be true to yourself but be open to compromise and look for win-win situations to make the best of this.

Join us for our Full Moon Meditation on Saturday, April 16th at 6 pm. Learn how to release unwanted energies and make room for the new. Then enjoy free snacks while socializing with your local spiritual community of like-minded people. Plus, enjoy 15% off all store merchandise that night. Pssst, we got new crystals!

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th and the focus shifts to things of a more material nature. Some of us find ourselves looking to increase our inventories around this time while others are making plans for the future, planting seeds for a later harvest. While the Sun is here, we are reminded to enjoy the finer things in life. The flowers are blossoming at this time to remind us of the bounty which nature provides and to stop and appreciate the beauty and the abundance of our planet. Be sure to get outdoors and look at the blossoms, even if you have allergies, because nature can heal on many levels!

On April 29th, Mercury enters Gemini for a brief period. Mercury in Gemini is almost the opposite of the Taurus energy! While Taurus slowed us down, Gemini speeds us up! Mercury rules Gemini and therefore is right at home here in this quick thinking, quick talking sign. This is a great time for communication and short distance travel and it can be a very busy time for many of us. Mercury’s only flirting with the sign of Gemini for a little while though as it will pass back through Taurus when it goes retrograde on May 10th.

Also happening on April 29th, Pluto goes retrograde at 28 degrees of Capricorn. This happens frequently as Pluto is an outer planet and they go retrograde often, so it typically isn’t felt by everyone. However, if you happen to have a personal planet or angle at 28 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), then this could possibly impact you personally. Scorpio rising people might feel a small shift too, depending. Pluto’s about renewal and rebirth but he’s not always gentle. I often equate it to the contractor you didn’t know you hired to renovate your kitchen. He just shows up one day, wrecks the crap out of your kitchen, then waves at you as he walks out the front door saying he’ll be back in a few months to finish the job. In the meantime, you’re left with a demolished kitchen. Thankfully he does come back and you do get a beautiful, brand new kitchen but it’s the time in between that people usually come to see me. If this is you, hang in there, it will get better. Look for the growth, look for the lessons and look for how to renew yourself because that is what Pluto is demanding of you. And if you need to, make your appointment with me and I’ll help you sort it all out.

Then on April 30th we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Taurus and this can be a very good time for setting some long term goals! Taurus energy is preserving (if not obstinate) and encourages putting in the effort for a worthwhile reward. So this is the perfect time for setting some new intentions for yourself that require stick-to-it-ness and tenacious dedication. Join us that night for the New Moon Meditation and we’ll show you how to make the most out of your new moon intentions!

In numerology, April 2022 is a number 1 Universal Month. This is a time for new beginnings! This is a good month for thinking about your own goals and motivations. This is also a good time for starting new things, taking risks and being brave! The number 1 asks us to step up to the plate and take a big swing because it’s all about getting moving and looking forward as we do so. If you’ve been putting off doing something, now is a good time to get to it, especially if you want it to last. On a global level, we might see the implementation of new things coming and a shifting of the collective’s energy towards fresh starts and new beginnings.

Things are crazy in this world right now, I encourage you to ground yourself and to switch off your screens more often. Don’t worry, you’ll be informed of anything important. It’s about self-care right now and that means doing the little, practical things that help us feel grounded and present in the moment. Go take a walk in nature, drink more water, take more naps, play with your pets, eat root vegetables, smell fresh flowers and be in your body more, less in your head. You’ll feel a whole lot better, I promise. If you need me, click the button below to book your session with me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Take care of yourself and as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


This reading is designed to take a closer look at your physical and mental health. We go over your natal chart in relation to your 1st, 6th and 12th houses as well as ask the spirit guides for advice on what is best for you at this time. Save $25 off this special 60 minute reading when you use coupon code: Healthy2022 when booking your reading.

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We've just received our latest shipment of the Black Magic Alchemy mushroom elixir! This amazing blend of mushroom extract along with other herbs, roots and natural ingredients has done wonders for myself and my husband, Brandon! The mushrooms are harvested in a special and magical ceremony to enhance the power of the fungi. Not only is this elixir an immune system booster, mood lifter, memory enhancer, digestive and sleep aid, it's also great for the hair, eyes and skin! Plus, it tastes delicious - like root beer without the carbonation!

But you wanna know its coolest benefit?

It's a pineal gland activator! That's right, it helps to decalcify the pineal gland, increasing your psychic abilities and opening your third eye. We've been taking for about a year now and we loved it so much, we decided to start selling it in our shop! They've been selling out fast, so don't delay. Come on by our shop for a free sample today and tune into your psychic powers!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 15,16

TAURUS: Rewarding: 3,4,30 Challenging: 17,18

GEMINI: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 19,20

CANCER: Rewarding: 7,8,9 Challenging: 21,22

LEO: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 23,24

VIRGO: Rewarding: 12,13,14 Challenging: 25,26,27

LIBRA: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 17,18 Challenging: 3,4,30

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 19,20 Challenging: 5,6

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 7,8,9

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 23,24 Challenging: 10,11

PISCES: Rewarding: 25,26,27 Challenging: 12,13,14

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