Subject: You've got to read this now

Hello Friend,

Tomorrow is Groundhog day.  

That's when those Groundhog rodents come out of the ground and give their prognostications of how many
weeks will be left in winter.

The problem is, the darn critters can't even agree amongst themselves in any given year.

So how do you decide who to believe this year?

Simple answer: You shoot the ones that were wrong last year.  

 So is that Wiarton Willie, Puxatawney Phil
or Shebucanadie Sam or Staten Island Chuck? 

Fortunately, we don't have a weather predicting groundhog on Manitoulin Island, so I won't
have to deal with such matters.

But here is my 100% accurate prediction.

The Meade LX90 Holiday Sale  ended yesterday January 31st.    

Because our webmaster was kept busy yesterday (looking up recipes for groundhog stew perhaps?)
she ran out of time and did not pull the sale down off our website yet.

So you have one last chance to save some moolah on some telescopes and accessories.

Here is the link:

You'd better get there fast though, because she get's into work shortly.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan 

PS This might also be a good time to re-watch the Bill Murray Movie, Groundhog day.
A true classic, loved by groundhogs everywhere.