Subject: What kind of amateur astronomer are you?

Hello Friend,

             Really.  What kind of amateur astronomer are you?

Are you the type that likes to sit in an armchair and read about what the experts are doing, and keep up to date
on the latest theories in the field?

Or perhaps you are the type that loves the equipment, the toys, and just have to have that latest accessory or gadget,
or telescope that has just been released?

Maybe you live and breathe astrophotography!. You stay up late at nights, processing images, and tweaking them
till they are perfect.

Perhaps, like myself, you just love to get under the stars, and be in awe of what's up in the night sky, and you
appreciate that the wonders of the night sky are endless, and you get excited by just observing a planet, or 
far away deep sky object?

    Maybe you are just starting in the hobby, and it's a bit overwhelming.  Where to start, where to begin?

I've had the pleasure of meeting all kinds of amateur astronomers, and the one thing they all share is the love
and passion for the night sky.  And they bring this to all through their enthusiasm for the hobby.

  I admit to being a bit of a gadget and technology nut as well.  It's a bit like the latest fishing lure that's gonna
land me that muskie sooner than later.  :)   So far, the muskies have outsmarted me somewhat.

But that's another story.

Enjoy your Sunday and this is the last day to take advantage of our Explore Telescopes  sale.

It's short and sweet and ends at 6pm today.  The details are below

 For two days only, Explore Scientific will be celebrating the 2014 Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF) with some very special pricing on their products! The promotion includes a 20% discount on ALL in-stock Explore telescopes and a 15% discount on ALL in-stock Explore eyepieces and accessories. Be sure to take advantage of these very special savings! 

Act now... The discounted prices are only good Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13!

Happy Sunday

Ray "Exploring" Khan

PS  here is a quick link to  this special offer on our main page