Subject: Unlawful thugs try to intimidate supporters of the TMT telescope in Hawaii

Hello Friend,

After many delays, mainly caused by protesters on Mauna Kea in the Hawaian islands , this past week one of the judges finally  recommended that
the TMT (Thirty Metre Telescope) should be allowed to  go ahead and start construction on the mountain . 

A few dissenters who oppose the whole idea, based mainly on superstitious nonsense  along the lines of: "The gods will be angry."
and opposition to anything that might move society forward has now threatened violence against the supporters of this project who
have every legal right to be doing what they are continuing to do.

To those thugs and punks, I  quote the late actor Jack Lord from the Hawaii Five-0 tv series, I say: "Book 'em Dano!"  

And throw away the key.

 Or sacrifice them to their Volcano Gods as a 'goodwill offering'? 

Yes, it's a constant battle against pseudoscience these days.

Everywhere I turn.

In the neighborhood around Khan Scope Centre, there must be at least 10-15  Psychic's set up in business who will
(for a donation of course) tell you who has put a curse on you, and will remove that curse, for yet a further donation.

Or you might also be told that they are communicating with your dead Uncle Tony and he has a very special message
for you. (Insert $$$ here first to hear the 'special message').

 Being an Italian neighborhood,  pretty much EVERYBODY has an uncle, Tony... 

Heck, we even have on in our plaza:  And whom do you think goes in there?  You'd be surprised. Well heeled ladies
with Gucci designer shoes and handbags with the fancy Coach logo, for the most part.

Remember, The Devil Wears Prada.

 I won't pretend to  speak to any of your dead uncles to tell you about the Special Offer that you are about to receive.

Can't seem to find my crystal ball today anyway.

 Here it is:

You can use the following discount code: SAVE5  on the checkout page at  to save 5% off any order over $200
for the next 7 days for any online purchases.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan