Subject: UFO's spotted over North Toronto this past weekend

Hello Friend,

Maybe it's just me.

 This is by no means scientifically documented, my observation has been that
it's usually clear when the Moon is full.

Here is some further evidence: This past weekend was a New Moon, and it was overcast,
and at 8pm, when I met my daughter for dinner at the Red Lobster, it was raining cat's and dogs.

And that is why it's always best to plan vacations and stargazing adventures around the new Moon.  At least that
way you've got better odds for getting some decent observing or imaging in. (Ya think?)

Now, as for the mosquitoes and other annoying night time pest's, in the Summer, you just have to pick the nights when
weather conditions are more or less ideal for them not to be around.

They don't really care if it's new Moon or full Moon.

Tip: Don't observe near Cedar trees of any kind.  Bugs love them! And they'll be happy to give you a few
"love bites" as well, as many a cottager and camper have found out the hard way.

And, if you are going to observe the Moon, then be sure to use either an inexpensive  Moon Filter, or a Variable Polarizer filter.

Both of these filters will cut down the glare substantially.  

With the Variable polarizer filter, you can control
the light transmission, and vary the contrast.

A standard Moon filter blocks out about 35% of the incoming brightness.

They simply thread into your 1.25" or 2" eyepieces.   

Give us a call or drop by the store, if you want more information on the various types of filters available
for your telescope.  416 783 4140 or Toll Free 1 800 580 7160

Clear Skies,

Ray "sheer lunacy"   Khan

PS several UFO's were apparently, spotted in North Toronto, this past weekend. Strange flashing lights in the night sky.  Aliens from another planet? Highly unlikely.
      Some other  theories proposed:  kites with lights on them, or lanterns launched at the end of Muslim faith, Ramadan which ended
      this past weekend.  The possibility of drones. Justin Bieber flying a helicopter?  And this list goes on.......