Subject: Today's cold and frosty rant. What's your opinion?

Hello Friend,

Maybe it's the cold that has gotten to me, but on this -19c Sunday morning,  I'm gonna have to let
of some steam.

Yeah Ok, so I had to shovel some more snow again, for the 4th day in a row.  Brass balls like a
monkey and all that now, but the fresh air was invigorating.

As an added bonus, it is nice and sunny. Thank you mother nature!

I'm interested in your feedback on a particular problem we face as a small business and whether or
not we are approaching this in the right manner or not.

Yesterday, a fellow dropped by the store who had purchased a telescope online elsewhere, but could
not figure out how to use it and wanted some assistance on assembly, operation, etc..

Since it was not a simple 5-minute answer, we told him that we could spend the time with him,
however, he would have to pay a fee, since the instrument was not purchased from us.

He was not impressed with that idea and left disgruntled.  He felt we should offer help and
assistance for free.

Perhaps there is some misguided logic there. If there is, I do not see it.

Now this tends to happen with frequency right after the holidays.   People buy scopes online or a big box 
store elsewhere and then come to us for help and assistance with them.

We are a small business, and we don't have the manpower or resources to do this stuff for free.

We have bills to pay too, rent, hydro heat, etc.

So I am interested in your opinion.  

What do you think we should do in these instances?

Drop me a line, by hitting the reply key.

I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Till then, stay toasty!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan