Subject: This one customer who was a real nutter

Hello Friend,

I don't know what it is these days, but there seems to be an increase in  poor social behaviour by some 
individuals in society.

The majority of customers that we get in the retail store are a pleasure
to deal with.

They are straightforward and we are able to assist them with whatever it is they need.

However once in a while we get somebody who is rude, demanding and feeling that
they are entitled to some sort of special treatment,

These people can be a real cock-up sometimes.

Such was the case recently when one such individual dropped into the store and wanted to sell
a telescope.

We do accept trade-in's and purchase instruments outright. However, all instruments do require a proper inspection
for both optical, and mechanical performance (computerized) before we can resell the gear.

Here is how it works:

1) You bring your equipment in
2)  Our technician examines and assesses it
3) Trade- in value is determined.

Now this guy wanted to bypass the whole procedure, and wanted an instant on the spot appraisal.  
No examination necessary because the equipment was "fine". There was nothing wrong with it.
(Until we discovered from past experiences  there WAS something wrong with it of course, which is why
the appraisal is done by the technician )

Anyway the fellow became belligerent at that point when he could not get his way and  crossed the line said a few
swear words and demanded to see the manager.

Behaving like a wanker and whinging like a child will get you absolutely nowhere.

Now on to better things; Such as some BRAND NEW Daily Deals.

The NEW TeleVue Delite's are on sale right now:

Five different focal lengths in fact, including the two latest: 

  • Tele Vue quality optics, second to none.
  • DeLite eyepiece series has a 62-degree AFOV
  • 20mm of comfortable eye relief
  • Adjustable eyeguard locks in place where you want it
 Also employed is TeleVue's proprietary locking eyeguard which lets you set the eye relief in the perfect position whether you wear glasses or not.
Clear skies,

Ray Khan