Subject: The Sex Pistols, Punk rocker Johnny Rotten said it best

Hello Friend,

In his infamous song "God Save the Queen", from the 1970's punk rocker Johnny Rotten sang the words:

"No future in England's dream'!  as part of his anthem against the elite classes ruling Brittania.

Wonder if he knew what was coming?

But here is in the real deal on Brexit.

The UK always had one foot in, and one foot out of the European Union from day 1.  Never totally committed.

My parents were immigrants to the UK, and by golly the fact of the matter is that they worked hard there, and contributed to society.
It was not easy adjusting to British culture, but they did and we were fortunate to grow up immersed with that culture.

I still enjoy my tea at 4pm even today.  (Beer at 7pm of course, like any good limey).

For example, curry and chips is big in the UK today, for crying out loud.  That was thanks to the immigrants, who run the corner

And remember the history books: "The Sun never sets on the British Empire" they said.

Well, let's wait and see.

Meantime, the Sun is setting on this brilliant deal, so don't do a cock-up and miss out on it.

I will be chuffed if you take action. And as the Brits are apt to say, if you don't like it sod-off!

I've Lost the Plot for sure,

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS It ain't called the Let FREEDOM ring Sale for nothing.