Subject: Steven and Miroslav tackle the Winter Skies

Hello Friend,

Recently, I wrote about how about observing during the Winter
was some of the best of the year.

I received a few emails from couple of troopers who are ain't letting the
coldstop them from getting out and observing.

Perhaps a little inspiration while you sip on egg nog mixed
with warm drop or two of rum....:)

Wishing you clear skies,

Ray Khan

Steven C. from James Bay writes:

"I know about cold! I live in the James Bay Region of Ontario. Freezing this
year riding my motorcycle to work. (IN JULY). This has been the worst year
of our lives. Except for the ray of hope that I could finally buy the
Nexstar 8 at the first only telescope show in Canada from you and your
intelligent staff. I know I told you before that the first object the we
observed was Saturn. A very moving experience for me.

However I have a
bulge in my pants right now to go out into this cold despite your
recommendations not to use this scope in such cold weather.

The Skies are
phenomenal up here right now and would like to observe them. My wife and I
have been saving to buy a camera for the scope and Christmas presents.

However our house was broken into.
Our door was smashed, house was left in
ruin and our pickle jar of money was robbed.

You get the feeling that once
they know what is in your house they will be back for more. It is a creepy
feeling. Anyway enough of our wows. We are both looking forward to seeing
you again at the Astronomy Show next year. "

Your friend from the far north Steven C.

Thanks Steven! Don't be afraid to use your telescope in the cold
weather, just pay attention to it if it starts to act up. The hand controller
might start to fade (Likely at about the same time you do....)

And a huge karmic debt to the rotters who broke into your house!
"May the sewers of rangoon, back up into their kitchen sinks!"
to paraphrase the late, great Johnny Carson.

Miroslav K. from Southwestern Ontario, writes:

As you probably know, this is the time of
the year, when sky is often overcast here
in southwest Ontario.
However, last night - December 28 - I
did have a few hours of observing.
Observing almost exclusively variable stars,
most neglected objects by today observers
are old classics. At this moment famous
SS Cyg
is in outburst -close to maximum or declining -
and RU Peg is sleeping at minimum of 12.8m.
Nicely visible in my 16"f12 Cas , RU Peg is
optical double.

Probably for this reason most
reports (not many) are from visual observers.

Apart from "old classics" there is right now
Nova Delphini 2013 (V339 Del) "stagnating"
at magnitude about 11 visual.
This nova will probably force me to visit local
dark sky site, because it is getting too low
to western horizon.

Hope, by now, winter is over and a new
clear sky season started.
With best wishes,


Great going Miroslav! A little optimistic on Winter being over
i'd say, since it just began, and we sure got a good dose of
it before the solstice thanks to Mother Nature, here in Toronto
and so did the East, making for a somewhat "Unmerry Christmas"
for many Torontonians.