Subject: Social Justice Warrior alert: This email may be offensive to some

Hello Friend,

We are living in a politically incorrect world today.

It's becoming an epidemic in fact.

Our Universities, once the bastion of free thought and critical thinking skills have now become Institutes of  
"If I don't agree with your opinion, I am going to ban you from lecturing here or disrupt and/or prevent you
from presenting".  (signed: Your local Social Justice Warrior)

I'm not even making light of this.   It's true.

Our lack of critical thinking skills as a society appear to be on a decline.

It's time to fight back, I say.

 Not run to your "safe space" and hide from the real world.

One of the ways to do this is through amateur astronomy.

I recently saw an astronomy store (Not going to name and shame them, but shame on them anyway)  promoting books on UF0's,  and other related 
pseudoscientific stuff.

Man, that just encourages the nutjobs who believe in that crap and does nothing to promote science or astronomy.

And don't even get me started on Bigfoot!

Sadly, children and many adults are not exposed to the wonders of the universe.

You can help change that and make a real difference!

Set up your telescope at a campground or park or  sidewalk even and encourage people to take a look at something
simple like the moon.

It blows them away and at least gets them interested.

Who knows, you might even open a few minds.

Need a portable instrument that is lightweight and easy to set up to do this? 

I recommend the Meade ETX 125 computerized Maksutov-Cassegrain.

This weekend I am offering you a solid $100 off this instrument.

If you already own a larger scope and are too lazy (or getting too old)  to lug it out, then this one is perfect to 
use as a secondary instrument.

It kicks ass in the optics department and you will be impressed with it's versatility.
Fully computerized operation and "grab and go" portability. 
Tripod case is included as well.

No coupon codes need . Offer Ends April 2nd so grab it while the deal lasts.

It's rare for us to put this instrument on sale, because its a bestseller for us year round so
there really is no need to.

Here is the link again.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  Some folks took offence to my email yesterday and wrote to tell me so.  Some even subscribed, Lighten up people,
I already told you that sending these emails is cheaper than paying my expensive therapist by the hour.