Subject: Sad tale of a Coronado solar telescope that never got used

Hello Friend,

A few years ago I had a phone conversation with a   long time Khanscope customer,  Tom (not his real name) who lived out in
in the province of British Columbia, western Canada. 

Tom was asking my opinion on the various models of Coronado Solar telescopes that were available,
and which one would be best for him. He had wanted one for several years but wanted to wait to get
the one he wanted.

 I  recommended the Coronado 60mm  BF10 doublestack since it fit his needs and budget.

He really wanted the 90 (don't we all?) , but there was a big price difference.

At the time, that particular model was in high demand, and it was a two-month backlog for this particular
the instrument.

From a production basis, H-Alpha telescopes are not mass produced. They require individual testing  
and so production can be slower.

The instrument arrived six weeks later, and we shipped it out to him.

I thought it odd that I never heard back from him.
Expecting to get some feedback from him on the instruments' performance, but I figured he was either busy with other
things and I'd get an email or phone call at some point.

Three months after we had shipped it to him I received an email from his estate lawyer indicating that Tom had
passed away of illness  recently, and his family had brought the instrument to the hospital where he had opened it
and taken a look at it with the idea, that he would use it when he returned home.

The lawyer was inquiring as to the value of the instrument since the invoice was lost or missing.

They had no idea what it was.  The only reason they contacted us was   of the shipping label
on the Coronado outer box.

Tom had never mentioned anything about being ill or sick on the phone, so I had no idea.

I was saddened that he never had the opportunity to use it.   

That's why It's important to value each day and People in our lives we just don't ever know how many of them we have left.

Have a super weekend!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan