Subject: Plans to watch Cosmos thwarted

Hello Friend,

          Perhaps you look forward to Sunday nights, like I do, and plan to watch the current Cosmos series,
hosted by Neil Degrasse Tyson.

         However,  here in the north country, it is not uncommon for folks in the neighbourhood, to drop by
unannounced, and stop in for a conversation or a chat, which can sometimes last a little while.

      So it simply was not meant to be, and it didn't happen.  And no PVR here either.

I'll catch up on it another time.

     Not everybody has been as keen on this version of Cosmos, especially those who have seen the original
series, with Carl Sagan.

    Some say there is far too much animation involved, but you know what.   You got to to do, what you gotta do
to reach people on a non-science channel.

    And Fox Tv is a mainstream channel, NOT a science channel.

And in the hobby of amateur astronomy, last time I looked, it's become more of a graying hobby.

Lots of middle aged guys and gals and much fewer younger folks.

So the challenge is to bring more young people into the area of science, boys and girls, men and women,
and keep them interested in it.

     Explaining astronomical concepts in simple terms is not always easy.

Degrasse-Tyson, does a reasonably good job of it.  So kudos to him.

One company that has made an effort to tie in science in the program, and connect with non amateur
astronomers, and other budding scientists is Celestron.

And I raise my hat to them. 

Yes, commercial aspirations aside, this is exactly the sort of thing
that we need to do more of.

Anytime you can connect an interest and provide folks the tools to do something in real time,
is a no brainer.

And perhaps a brain opener. 

Below is some of the new products that Celestron created for those that are interested in either
microscopy or astronomy, or nature. 

Consider a gift of science to a graduating student.

Inspiration comes in many ways, and science plays a big part in life today.

Happy Victoria Day!

Ray "Cosmos" Khan

PS  We've got several new promotions that were launched this past week on the
       website as well. Check them out if you have a minute.