Subject: Passive /aggressive behaviour on a Sunday morning

Hello Friend,

WARNING ! Rant forthcoming, parental advisory for some language.

I was enjoying my Sunday morning cup of coffee this morning and then...

  I received an email from an email from a customer.

He started out with chewing me out by telling me that Khan Scope had sold him a  defective Meade LX200 telescope
a few years ago.


Because now the declination motor was not working- and so apparently we sold him a defective telescope.

So his scope worked fine, and now it doesn't.


These instruments which have moving parts can break down after a while.

Kind of like your car.

Plus, now his eye guard on his eyepiece would not roll up, so we sold him a faulty eyepiece as well!

He then suggested that we fix all his problems (for FREE of course) or else.

Seriously, WTF?

He then ends his email by suggesting: "Have a Nice Day!".

Really? After reaming me out for something that was not my fault, now you want me to have a nice day?

Now if that is not passive- aggressive behavior, I don't know what is.


Now of course while I would like to respond in like fashion, I'm not going to because that's not my style.

But it's pretty obvious that having a rational conversation with this person is not going to work.

Look, if you want me to help you then at least have the decency to send polite email, not this kind of shite!

What would you say to this fellow, Friend?

I'd be curious to know.


Back to my coffee.

Some good news: It's raining outside, so all those yard chores will have to be postponed.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  Meade Instruments has a 'Throwback to the 90's sale '. 
Check it out.