Subject: Oops! We blundered the Stars: Corrected Dwarf II deals inside

Hi Friend

In yesterdays email one of the  links were incorrectly posted.  A sharp eyed reader
caught the error and now it's corrected. Sorry about that!


As Orion starts flexing his belt in the night sky, don't you think it's time you had a telescope that's as versatile as your cosmic interests? Allow me to introduce you to the Dwarf II Smart Telescope and its big-shot cousin, the Dwarf II Smart Telescope Pro.


First up, thDwarf II Smart Telescope. We're talking about a smart, self-aligning marvel that takes the guesswork out of sky-gazing. And it doesn't stop at the stars! This little smarty can track moving terrestrial targets like birds or animals. Imagine capturing a hawk in flight or a deer tiptoeing in your backyard!

Now, for the swanky Dwarf II Smart Telescope Pro. This deluxe model comes with a light pollution filter. So if you're stargazing in a city as light-polluted as Toronto, no worries. It's like having a 'mute' button for city lights.


Both telescopes are solar-observing safe, complete with built-in filters. Perfect for photographing and videoing the upcoming Solar Eclipse in April 2024. So what are you waiting for? The clock's ticking, and these offers expire on September 30th—$49 off the Dwarf II Smart Telescope and $63 off the Pro version!

Time to stop staring at this newsletter and start staring at the sky, my friends!


Clear Skies,

Ray Khan


P.S. Deals this heavenly won't last long. Consider this your cosmic nudge!