Subject: One place where you don't want to put a Tattoo

Hello Friend,

      Personally, I don't have a tattoo.

But it seem's that these days,  a lot of people do.

Then there is a fellow from Hamilton I know, Barry Sherman who has been an amateur astronomer for over 30 years.

Barry knows optics.

And Barry happens to have a body full of tattoos.

He has probably run out of space, but frankly I don't want to know ALL the details!

Heck, my favorite tattoo of his is the "Marvin the martian' of Bugs bunny fame.

Barry is a bit of a telescope nut, and has probably in his lifetime looked through, used and traded
so many telescopes,

I've lost track.

And the lesson he shared with me the other day is a simple one.

To see any worthwhile detail, you need aperture.  Yep, aperture.

The trick is to get aperture without sacrificing  portability.

It's no easy feat!

That is why the Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope still remains one of the most popular designs
of instruments for many amateur astronomers.

And one of the legendary Schmidt Cassegrains that has a proven track record of reliability and
sometimes known as a "quiet secret of the industry" is the Meade Instruments LX90 series.

Meade finally put them on sale this month, after many years, and unfortunately, there are only
2 days left in this month, so if you want to take advantage of the 10% discount, you've gotta act fast!

We have stock off all 3 models, 8", 10", and 12" right now, so there is no waiting!

Here is a link to all the details: 

            Meade LX90-ACF 8" f/10 with Standard Field Tripod

Offer good through May 31, 2014...

Clear Skies,

Ray "untattoo" Khan

PS I'll have to ask Barry if he would consider getting a "Khan Scope Centre" tattoo on his forehead,
     because there was a bit of space left  there.  That would be pretty cool!