Subject: I just got a call from Mr. Elf, at the North Pole

Hello Friend,

Well here we are, it's Christmas eve.

Your probably quite busy, and I am too.

But you know what?

I got a facetime message from a crazy elf, who was calling directly from  the North Pole today.

You won't believe what he told me!

Of course, the first thing I thought is that has got to be a crank call.

But apparently not;

You see the elves are apparently busy working overtime at the North Pole, and it seems
they don't actually get paid any extra for that.

 They asked me to give them a break!

I said: "Ok, how may I help, Mr. Elf"?

And the response from Mr. Elf  was: " Please tell your customers to stop requesting these
crazy telescopes and accessories from Santa."
He just can't keep up with the demand".

"Tell them to just head down to Khan Scope Centre in person, or visit the website
and order whatever the heck it is they want, on Boxing day, December 26th because
if they don't find what they want under the tree, that is their best bet".

So, I'm doing my duty and passing along this message from Mr. Elf to you, Friend,

Hopefully, Santa will remember this and put me on his "good" list for 2015! :)

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Yes, we are open Boxing day December 26th from 10am to 8pm.