Subject: Have you ever been dropkicked?

Hello Friend,

                         The Ultimate Warrior died yesterday. At the age of 54.

And if you don't know who he is, his real name was James Hellwig, who legally changed his name to Warrior
several years ago.

He was a professional wrestler in the 1980's for the WWE organization.

Perhaps steroids are best stayed away from...

Now, if you've ever been to a WWE (world wrestling entertainment) wrestling match, as I have several years ago, it's truly a sight to behold.

Larger than life characters prancing around on stage, with prescripted outcomes   so called battles
with their opponents.

  Names such as "Honky Tonk Man",  Hulk Hogan, Ravishing Rick Rude The Undertaker.....well need I say more?

Heck, even the former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse "the body" Ventura, was once a Pro wrestler.

Nasty guy! He poked his opponents in the eye, and then kneed them.

  What is remarkable, is that some of the fans who go to these events are either just raving bonkers, or they actually
believe the fights are real. Seriously. I saw it myself firsthand.

A colleague of mine is a professional wrestler.

And you really do occassionally take a beating, when something
goes wrong, or a stunt does not quite work the way it was planned.

That's what she tells me, and you can actually sustain serious injuries, once in a while.

Or even lose your life.

 Professional wrestling today, is just more of the "breads and circuses" of  Julius Caesar's time, and that's all it is.

Now don't worry....

I'm not going to "bodyslam" you, or "figure 4" you, or throw you to the ropes today, I'm simply going
to tell you that right now I'm assembling a manager's special that will be up for sale on the website later
today at, so be sure to check it out.

Don't make me "Full Nelson" you....please!

Clear Skies,

Ray "dropkick" Khan

PS It's sad that the Ultimate Warrior died at such a young age.  And hopefully some powerful lessons will be taken
     from that by up and coming stars.