Subject: Happy Canada Day Weekend!

Dear  Friend,

You know, when I read and watch the news around the world everyday, I feel ever so grateful that I live in this
wonderful Country called Canada.

Seeing the recent Shopping Mall Disaster at  the Algol Mall in Elliot Lake, Ontario  is a prime example of how Canadians
are able to pull together and support their community when disaster affects them.
Heaven and earth were moved, and action was taken by our Political Leaders, Dalton McGuinty (Love him or hate him, your choice!).

This morning while having breakfast with some colleagues in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta I heard a few people
complain about Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Well, fair enough, no one at the table admitted voting for him
However he was elected, so someone had to have voted him in.

And therein lies the difference!

In this country, we do have a choice about whom we will elect to run our Country.
Now you don't have to agree with or even like Prime Minister Harper, however he was elected by the majority of
Canadians that chose to vote and put him and his party in leadership.

Enough said about Politics..  We don't want to spoil the weekend now do we?  :)

Wishing you and yours a Safe, enjoyable and fun filled, Canada Day Weekend!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Don't forget, our Super Discount sale on the Celestron Nexstar 8 SE and Nexstar 6 SE ends
tommorow June 30th, at 7pm. We received a shipment of several of these instruments earlier
this week, however with the Long weekend coming up, they are flying off the shelves!
So give us a call Today if interested, Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or Local 416 783 4140

PPS We are open for business this holiday weekend, Saturday from 11-7 and Sunday from 11-6
Closed Holiday Monday July 2nd.

Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario. Canada
M6A 2T2

Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160

Local: 416 783 4140

24 hour fax; 416 352 1701
