Subject: Cyber Monday Madness ending at Midnite. 90 minutes left.

 Last kick at the can.

1) Free Shipping on all orders over $200.  (use the discount code: blackfriday on checkout)

2)Free Shipping on all orders over $499 plus you will get a
    FREE Meade Green Laser Pointer ($69 value) at no charge to boot. 
(It's added automatically to your order, so don't worry)

 use the discount code: blackfriday on checkout

Whose offering the coolest deals?

Just scroll through the banners at:  on the main page.
All our significant deals are listed there.
4) Daily Deals page:  Here is where you will find some EXTRA cool deals I've put together.
Several expire at Midnite tonite.
Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  It's rare when we run a promotion as good as this one. So best take advantage while you can.
As inventory get's harder to get over the next 6 weeks, stock is going to run out. Period. Despite
our best efforts to ensure stock on hand.