Subject: Could Kevin O'Leary be the Trump of the North?

Hello Friend,

As you've probably heard by now, Reality TV star  &  man of muchoo moolah  Kevin O'Leary  has thrown his hat into
the ring to become the conservative leader of the PC Party of Canada. 

The Donald Trump of the North perhaps?   

My daughter & journalist Chantal DaSilva interviewed Mr. O'Leary earlier this week and asked him a simple question:

 If Trump vs. Trudeau is "Godzilla vs Bambi" then what does that make him?

... He's still working on an answer, apparently.

Well, this certainly makes things more interesting around here.  

Hell, I never got an invite to the Aga Khan's private island on his private helicopter, even.

But then again, I wasn't throwing 55 million his way either was I?  

This politics stuff can be messy sometimes, can't it? 

Look, the Aga Khan's got enough already, so instead I am going to throw something your way instead.

Check this out: Buy a Celestron NexStar 8 SE telescope and I will include at no extra charge a 
FREE Bonus of the Celestron SkyQ  Wifi module (A $135 Value) at no charge.

direct link:

Sorry, there won't be any free trips to any island (Manitoulin or otherwise) with this 'bribe' of an offer.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is a link to Chantal's article at the Independent Newspaper (UK)  if you're interested in reading it.